Yang Huo in power wished Confucius to call on him, but Confucius would not, so he sent a sucking pig to Confucius, and Confucius paid him a visit when he was not at home. But unexpectedly they met on the way. Yang Huo said to Confucius, “Come, I have something to tell you. Is it good for a talent to leave his state in chaos? No. Is it wise for a candidate to lose an opportunity? No, The days and months pass by. The years will wait for no man.” Confucius said ironically, “Yes, how could I not serve!”
Men are born, said the Master, nearly alike by nature, but become different by practice.
Only the wisest man and the most foolish, said the Master, cannot be changed.
The Master came to the small town of Wu where Zi You was the ruler. When he heard sacred songs and stringed music, he said with a smile, “Is it necessary to kill a chicken with an ox-knife?” Zi You said, “Formerly, I heard you say that a cultured man well-bred in music would do good to the people, and an uncultured man well-bred in music would be easy to employ.” The Master said to two or three disciples, “Zi You is right. I have just said that for fun.”
Gongshan Furao, holding the fief of Fei in revolt, sent for the Master who was inclined to go. Displeased, Zi Lu said, “Why would you like to go to him of all people?” The Master said, “Could he send for me without reason? If anyone were to employ me, I would make ritual and music prosper in his state as in the Eastern Zhou.”
Zi Zhang asked Confucius,“What is a good ruler?” Confucius said, “One who can develp the five qualities in the world could be a good ruler.” When Zi Lu begged to know which five, the Master said,“Reverence, lenience, confidence, diligence and benevolence. Reverent, he would not hurt; lenient, he would win support; confident, he would be trusted; diligent, he would succeed; and benevolent, he could employ people.”
When the Master was inclined to visit Bi Xi who sent for him, Zi Lu said, “I have heard you say that a cultured man would not enter the house of an evil-doer. Now Bi Xi holds the fief of Zhongmiou in rebellion. How could you think of visiting him?” The Master said, “Yes, I have told you that. But, do you not know that a really hard thing cannot be thinned by grinding? A really white thing cannot be blackened even in black dye? Am I a bitter gourd only fit to be hung up and not fit to eat?”
The Master said to Zi Lu,“Have you heard of six virtues may lead to six defects?” Zi Lu replied“No.” The Master said, “Come, I will tell you. Without the love of knowledge, a lover of virtue may become a fool, a lover of wisdom may become wanton, a faithful man may be cheated, a frank man may become rash, a brave man may make a riot, and a strong man may become arrogant.”
My dear disciples, said the Master, why do you not like to study poetry? Poetry may serve to inspire, to reflect, to communicate and to complain. It may help you to serve your father at home and your prince at court. Moreover, it may tell you names of birds, beasts, plants and trees.
Have you studied, said the Master to his son Bo Yu, the Songs on Man and Wife? If not, you would be like a man standing in face of a wall without seeing anything beyond it.
If an inwardly weak man, said the Master, pretends to look strong outwardly, is he not like a thief who bores a hole or climbs over a wall?
To spread the rumor you have heard on the way, said the Master, is to neglect your duty.
Could we serve the prince, said the Master, together with such pitiable people as are anxious to get what they have not and afraid to lose what they have? What would not they do if they are afraid to lose what they have got?
In old days, said the Master, people had three faults which are perhaps not to be found now. Then arrogance showed little consideration for others; now it goes beyond bounds. Then pride was formal; now it is quarrelsome. Then stupidity was straightforward; now it is deceitful.
A good man, said the Master, would rarely say what he does not believe, or pretend to appear better than he is.
I hate, said the Master, to see the royal red usurped by the ducal purple, to hear the imperial music corrupted by licentious local songs, and to know a state or a kingdom overturned by sharp tongues.
The Master said,“I would prefer to say nothing.” Zi Gong said,“If you, dear Master, say nothing, what could we disciples record?” The Master said, “What has Heaven said? Yet the four seasons follow their courses and all things come into being. What has Heaven said?”
Ru Bei sent a messenger to see Confucius, who declined to see him under the pretext of ill health. When the messenger was out, Confucius took his lute and sang so that the messenger might hear him.
Asking about the three years’ mourning for parents, Zai Wo said, “One year would be long enough, for ritual and music would be lost if a cultured man did not put them into practice for three years. In one year the old grain would be exhausted and the new would spring up. So would fire be made from spring to winter. Therefore, I think the mourning may stop at the end of one year.” The Master said, “Would you feel at ease to eat good rice and wear silk dress after one year of mourning?” Zai Wo said “Yes.” “If you feel at ease, you may stop mourning at the end of one year. A cultured man in mourning would not enjoy nice food, sweet music and comfortable bed. If you could feel at ease, you might enjoy them.” When Zai Wo was out, the Master said, “Zai Wo is not a good son. A child would not leave its parents’ arms until three years old. So three years’ mourning is a universal practice. How could Zai Wo belie the three years’ affection of his parents?”
Difficult are those, said the Master, who cram themselves with food all the day long without applying their mind to anything good. Are there not gamesters and chess-players? It would be better to play chess or games than to do nothing at all.
Zi Lu asked whether a cultured man valued valour. The Master said, “A cultured man values virtue above valour. Valiant without virtue, a cultured man would rise in revolt and an uncultured man would commit robbery.”
Zi Gong asked whether a cultured man had dislikes. The Master said,“Yes, a cultured man dislikes those who speak ill of others, those inferior men who slander their superiors, those who are bold beyond what is right, those who take obstination for resolution.” Then the Master asked Zi Gong whether he also had his dislikes. Zi Gong replied, “I dislike those who take cunning for wisdom, immodesty for bravery, and indiscretion for honesty.”
It is difficult, said the Master, to deal with women and servants. If you are familiar with them, they will be immodest; if you keep your distance, they will complain.
If a man is disliked at the age of forty, said the Master, he would not change for the better till the end of his life.