rénzhě’àirén 仁者爱人
The Benevolent Person Loves Others.
The benevolent person has a loving heart. Renzhe (仁者) refers to benevolent and virtuous people or people with loving hearts, who have tremendous courage, wisdom, perfect moral character, charm, and charisma, and who love and care about others. Confucianism holds ren (仁) as the highest moral value. The basic meaning of ren is loving others, and to love others, one should first show filial piety to one’s parents and respect one’s elder brothers, and then extend love and care to other family members, and eventually to everyone else in the world. Mencius synthesized and upgraded this notion into a theory to be applied to the governance of a country. He proposed that a person of virtue should love and care about first his loved ones, then other people, and finally everything on earth. Confucianism believed that love could be extended to people in a certain order, but that benevolence has universal value, which is both the foundation and the goal of building a harmonious and good-will society.
引例 Citations:
He who is benevolent loves others, and he who having manners respects others. He who loves others is loved by others and he who respects others is respected by others. (Mencius)
Men of virtue love and care for their loved ones, they are therefore kind to other people. When they are kind to people, they treasure everything on earth. (Mencius)