qiánshí 前识
Foreknowledge / Prophecy
This term refers to the knowledge obtained about something before it happens or exists. It first appears in Laozi, referring to the knowledge one has obtained about something before others get to know about it. Those who believe that they can have such foreknowledge tend to consider themselves as prophets. However, the Daoist School believes that such foreknowledge is only personal understanding about things, and can hardly reveal the true nature of things they allegedly know about. If a sovereign ruler governs according to such foreknowledge, his rule is likely to be detrimental to the well-being of its people and leads to an upheaval.
引例 Citations:
Those are said to have foresight are pretentious versions of the Dao and this socalled foreknowledge is the birth of ignorance. (Laozi)
To claim to know about something before one comes into contact with it or even takes action just according to what is thought as his or her foreknowledge or prophecy is as much as making a groundless guess. (Hanfeizi)