集思广益 – Chinese philosophy and culture

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jísī-guǎngyì 集思广益

Pool Wisdom of the People


This means to work more effectively by extensively drawing on ideas and wisdom from many people. Proposed by Zhuge Liang (181-234) during the period of the Three Kingdoms, it meant that a leader should offer many opportunities for others to speak up and listen humbly to all opinions, especially those which differ from his own. He should then consider all aspects of the issue and make a correct decision. He absolutely must not think himself infallible and acts arbitrarily. Pulling wisdom of the people will keep everyone motivated and ensure success.

引例 Citations:



One who holds office should pool the ideas and wisdom of the people and extensively draw on all well intended and useful views. (Zhuge Liang: Instructions to Subjects and Officials)



Hence when the strength of many is brought together, there is nothing that cannot be lifted; when the wisdom of many is pooled, there is nothing that cannot be achieved. (Huainanzi)

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