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此诗写在深秋的夜晚,诗人望见了高悬天空的明月,和栖息在已经落完叶子的树上的寒鸦,也许在此时诗人正在思念一个旧时的恋人, 此情此景, 不禁让诗人悲伤和无奈。这是典型的悲秋之作,秋风、秋月、落叶、寒鸦烘托出悲凉的氛围 加上诗人的奇丽的想象,和对自己内心的完美刻画让整首诗显的凄婉动人。


夜深许许,风自清,月自明。不堪秋意萧条,叶落去还聚,心有留念意,奈何不由己。孤鸦自栖息,是夜过黑还是风过寂,顾自心惊。 秋风。秋月。落叶。寒鸦。俱是引人心生悲凉之物象,又加以拟人,眼前全然勾勒秋意凄紧,萧条之气自字里行间悄然浮起。闭眼凝神,有断肠人枝下负手而立,背影寂寥,无限心事氤氲,秋气更添几分萧条。忽而颔首远眺,叹秋气盛起,寒鸦栖独枝。思及一段情事,怎生刻骨铭心,诗起便萧索之意盛极。当真声声诉相思,字字寒情苦。


那旧岁月里,你我也曾是相聚相知相爱。再寻不得,竟也是再见无期。此时此刻的我在这秋意阑珊的深夜,不忍重温那段旧事,让我情何以堪。 文起之时,萧索的秋之意象为这忆情情不得的无奈心境做下渲染,读至此,叫人心中悲叹之意更胜。往昔,曾深爱相伴的女子,现下竟是再见无期。苦天涯隔人。更苦,我思念你至深,只是不知你是否也念我一丝。夜凉如秋,因有相思于胸,夜也难度,情也难熬。此处诗人做完美内心刻画,致诗哀婉动人。凄怨悠远,哀怨如诉,从文辞中可以感受相思之情至无穷,从吟唱中可以感受相思之苦至无奈。





This poem was written on the night of late autumn. The poet saw the bright moon hanging in the sky and the jackdaws perched on the trees that had fallen leaves. Perhaps at this time, the poet was thinking of an old lover. This scene made the poet sad and helpless. This is a typical sad autumn work. The autumn wind, the autumn moon, the fallen leaves and the jackdaws set off a bleak atmosphere. The poet’s wonderful imagination and the perfect portrayal of his own heart make the whole poem plaintive and moving.
“The autumn wind is clear, the autumn moon is bright, the fallen leaves gather and disperse, and the jackdaws perch and startle again.”
The night is deep, the wind is clear, and the moon is bright. Unable to bear the autumn depression, the leaves are still gathered after they fall, so I can’t help myself. The solitary crow perches by itself. Whether the night is too dark or the wind is too quiet, Gu is frightened. Autumn wind. The autumn moon. fallen leaves. Jackdaws. They are all images that attract people and make them sad, and they are also personified. In front of them, the feeling of autumn is bleak, and the spirit of depression rises quietly from the lines. Close your eyes and concentrate. There are heartbroken people standing with their hands behind them. Their backs are lonely and their minds are full of endless worries. The autumn atmosphere is even more depressed. Suddenly, he bowed his head and looked into the distance, sighing that the autumn was full of vitality, and the jackdaws lived on a single branch. When I think about a love affair, how can it be unforgettable? Since the beginning of the poem, I have a strong sense of desolation. Seriously complain of Acacia, and the words are cold and bitter.
“Acacia knows when to meet. At this time, I feel embarrassed.”
In those old days, you and I used to get together and love each other. If you can’t find it again, you will see me again forever. At this moment, I can’t bear to revisit that old story in the late autumn night, which makes me feel embarrassed. At the beginning of the article, the bleak image of autumn played up the helpless state of mind that could not recall the feelings. So far, it makes people feel more sad. In the past, the woman who loved her so much is now seeing you again. People are separated from each other at the end of the world. More bitter, I miss you deeply, but I don’t know if you also miss me a little bit. The night is as cool as autumn, because there is love in the chest, the night is also difficult, and the feeling is hard to endure. Here, the poet makes a perfect inner portrayal and makes the poem sad and moving. The plaintive is far away, and the plaintive is like a complaint. From the words, you can feel the love of Acacia to infinity, and from the singing, you can feel the pain of Acacia to helplessness.
This poem is only entitled “three five seven words” without mentioning the content and theme of the poem. It can be seen that the poet’s creative intention was to lay particular emphasis on the formal characteristics of the work, that is, as long as the style requirements of two sentences and three words, two sentences and five words, and two sentences and seven words in the whole poem are met, the poem can be formed. It can be said that the poem title already contains a clear connotation of poetic form.
However, Li Bai’s poem can not be regarded as a creative work, because in the early Tang Dynasty, Yijing, a monk, wrote a poem, “In the Western Kingdom, Huai Wang Shecheng”, which was named “One Three Five Seven Nine Words” because of its stylistic characteristics. Li Bai’s “Three Five Seven Words” is only a variation of “One Three Five Seven Nine Words”, leaving out the first “one word” and the last “nine words”, that is, “Three Five Seven Words”. Wang Kunwu argued in The Art of Drinking in the Tang Dynasty that the poems of justifying righteousness and purification are “works of singing and harmonizing”. Li Bai’s “Three Five Seven Words” may also be his “singing poems” with other poets. “Three five seven words” is a restriction on the remuneration and the form of poetry, which is a “general topic”. People can order another corresponding topic according to the content when they create.
Even if this poem is not a creative work, Li Bai finally established the position of “three three five five seven seven” format as a unique figure of speech and even as a fashionable poetic style. This is not only because he learned from and summarized the experience of many people in the application of the 357 word sentence pattern, but also because of his practical understanding of flexible application of this type of format in his own song lyrics. Therefore, his “357 Words” can show the artistic charm of “mournful sound promotes unity, and is as sad as strings” (Volume VIII of “Tang and Song Poetry”). ▲

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