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  “夜深知雪重,时闻折竹声”这里仍用侧面描写,却转换角度从听觉写出。传来的积雪压折竹枝的声音,可知雪势有增无减。诗人有意选取“折竹”这一细节,托出“重”字,别有情致。“折竹声”于“ 夜深”而“时闻”,显示了冬夜的寂静,更主要的是表明了诗人的彻夜无眠;这不只为了“衾枕冷”而已,同时也传达出诗人谪居江州时心情的孤寂。由于诗人是怀着真情实感抒写自己独特的感受,才使得这首《夜雪》独具一格,诗意含蓄,韵味悠长。



Among the numerous natural scenery, snow is advantaged by nature. She won the praise of countless poets through the ages with her pure and noble talent, beauty and magic ability to decorate Guanshan. In the voluminous snow chanting chapters, Bai Juyi’s “Snow at Night” does not depict colors or gestures. At first glance, it is simply inconspicuous, but if you taste it carefully, you will find that it is dignified, simple, fresh and elegant.
This poem is novel and unique, with a good conception. There are not many poems about snow at night. Because snow is silent and tasteless, we can only distinguish it from its color, shape and posture. In the heavy night, people’s vision completely loses its function, and the image of snow cannot be captured naturally. However, Bai Juyi, who is rich in innovation, just started from this special situation and jumped out of the stereotype of positive description commonly used by people, and set off with the side, so as to vividly reproduce a snow night.
“Surprised that the quilt and pillow are cold” starts from the feeling of people. Through “cold”, it not only points to the existence of snow, but also implies that snow is heavy. Because when it first falls, all the cold air in the air is absorbed by water vapor to condense into snowflakes, and the temperature will not drop suddenly. Only when the snow is heavy, can the cold in the air be aggravated. It is cold here, which shows that it has been snowing for a long time. Not only “cold” is writing about snow, but “surprised” is also writing about snow. The reason why people didn’t realize it at first and suddenly woke up after the cold hit is that snow fell silent, which is another feature of snow besides “cold”. This sentence is very tight. Feeling that “the quilt and pillow are cold” means that people who come at night have already embraced the quilt and lie down, thus indicating that it is “snow at night”. “See the window again”, further write the snow at night from the visual angle. The window is bright at night, which shows that the snow is heavy and deep, and the strong reflection of the snow brings light to the dark night. All of the above are set off by the side, and every sentence is written, but there is snow everywhere.
“The snow is heavy at night, and the sound of bamboo is heard when it breaks” is still described in profile, but it is written from an auditory perspective. The sound of snow breaking bamboo branches shows that the snow is increasing. The poet intentionally chose the detail of “folding bamboo” to express the word “heavy”. “The sound of bamboo folding” in the “deep night” and “when heard” shows the silence of winter nights, and more importantly, the poet’s sleepless nights; This is not only for “cold quilt and pillow”, but also to convey the loneliness of the poet when he was exiled to Jiangzhou. Because the poet expresses his unique feelings with true feelings, this poem “Snow at Night” is unique, poetic and lasting.
The whole poem is well arranged and advanced layer by layer. It is described from the three levels of touch, vision and hearing, with several twists and turns in a single wave, and its appearance and situation are fully reflected. The ending sentence sets off the silence with sound, making the picture of the whole poem static and dynamic, meaningful and fresh, and vividly presenting a quiet world of sound and snow, and the poet’s sleepless loneliness throughout the night. This little poem fully reflects the poet’s language characteristics of being easy to understand and clear. The whole poem is plain and smooth, without any trace of arrangement or false delicacy, which reflects the consistent style of Bai Juyi’s poetry. ▲

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