性别: 女
星座: 处女座
出生日期: 1981年09月16日
出生地: 中国,山东,青岛
职业: 演员 / 配音 / 动作捕捉 / 制片人
更多中文名: 范爷(昵称)
家庭成员: 范丞丞(弟) / 范涛(父) / 张传美(母)
影人简介 · · · · · ·
1998年演琼瑶剧《还珠格格》一举成名。2004年凭借电影《手机》荣获第27届大众电影百花奖最佳女演员奖。 2007主演电影《心中有鬼》荣获第44届台湾电影金马奖最佳女配角奖,同年其主演的电影《苹果》提名第57届柏林国际电影节金熊奖, 并凭借此片荣获第4届欧亚国际电影节最佳女演员奖,成为第一位获此殊荣的华人明星,跻身国际影坛,随即成立范冰冰工作室,签约旗下艺人,并制作出《胭脂雪》和《金大班》等电视剧。2010年主演电影《观音山》荣获第23届东京国际电影节最佳女演员奖。 2011年担任东京国际电影节评委。2010-2013数次受邀出席戛纳国际电影节、奥斯卡等国际电影节典礼。2013年戛纳国际电影节萧邦珠宝举办“范冰冰之夜”,并授予范冰冰“年度最佳国际艺人”称号。 2016年在冯小刚拍摄的电影《我不是潘金莲》中担任女主角,凭借其精湛的演技将农村妇女李雪莲刻画的淋漓尽致,并斩获第64届圣塞巴斯蒂安银贝壳-最佳女演员奖、第31届中国电影金鸡奖最佳女主角、第8届中国电影导协会最佳女主角和第11届亚洲电影大奖最佳女主角等多项大奖。 2017年2月她登上《时代周刊》亚洲版封面,以华人女演员的身份再次受到国际瞩目,6月,美国电影艺术与科学学院正式宣布范冰冰成为“2017年奥斯卡”新成员;出席担任第70届戛纳国际电影节评委。她将演员与明星的双重身份发展到极致,是继张曼玉、巩俐后的华人第三位国际双A影后,亚洲第五位。相信她会继续在影坛的路上发光发亮。
Gender: Female
Constellation: Virgo
Date of birth: September 16, 1981
Birthplace: Qingdao, Shandong, China
Occupation: actor/dubbing/motion capture/producer
More Chinese names: Fan Ye (nickname)
Family members: Fan Chengcheng (younger brother)/Fan Tao (father)/Zhang Chuanmei (mother)
Movie Maker Profile······
Fan Bingbing, born on September 16, 1981 in Qingdao, Shandong Province, graduated from Xie Jin Film and Television Art College of Shanghai Normal University, a Chinese actress, producer and singer.
In 1998, she became famous for her performance of Qiong Yao’s drama “Huanzhu Gege”. In 2004, she won the Best Actress Award of the 27th Popular Film Hundred Flowers Award with the film Mobile Phone. In 2007, the starring film Ghost in the Heart won the Best Supporting Actress Award at the 44th Golden Horse Award of Taiwan Film. In the same year, its starring film Apple nominated the Golden Bear Award at the 57th Berlin International Film Festival, and won the Best Actress Award at the 4th Eurasian International Film Festival, becoming the first Chinese star to win this award, and entering the international film world. Fan Bingbing Studio was immediately established to sign the contract with its artists, He also produced TV dramas such as Rouge Snow and King Daban. In 2010, the starring film Guanyin Mountain won the Best Actress Award at the 23rd Tokyo International Film Festival. In 2011, he served as a judge of the Tokyo International Film Festival. From 2010 to 2013, he was invited to attend the Cannes International Film Festival, Oscar and other international film festival ceremonies. In 2013, Chopin Jewelry held the “Night of Fan Bingbing” at Cannes International Film Festival and awarded Fan Bingbing the title of “Best International Artist of the Year”. In 2016, she acted as the heroine in Feng Xiaogang’s film “I’m not Pan Jinlian”. With her superb acting skills, she portrayed Li Xuelian, a rural woman, and won many awards, including the 64th St. Sebastian Silver Shell – Best Actress Award, the 31st China Golden Rooster Award for Best Actress, the 8th China Film Directors Association for Best Actress, and the 11th Asian Film Awards for Best Actress. In February 2017, she appeared on the cover of the Asian edition of Time magazine, and again received international attention as a Chinese actress. In June, the American Academy of Film Arts and Sciences officially announced that Fan Bingbing was a new member of the “2017 Oscar”; Attended and served as the judge of the 70th Cannes International Film Festival. She has developed her dual identity as an actor and a star to the utmost. She is the third international double A film of Chinese people after Maggie Cheung and Gong Li, and the fifth in Asia. I believe that she will continue to shine in the film industry.