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Simplified Chinese



Tradionnal Chinese
潘又安進大觀園來和司棋相會,不慎失落了一個內藏情書的荷包。 邢夫人、王夫人知道了,赫然震怒,下令抄查大觀園。
事發後,司棋被攆出大觀園,潘又安卻因懼怕外逃出走。 司棋終日啼哭,恨他膽小,沒有情義。 後來潘又安回來準備娶親,可是遭司棋家裡反對。 司棋抗爭無效,撞牆而死。 潘又安把司棋棺殮之後,也用刀子自刎了。

Simple Translation
Siqi is the eldest girl in the house of Jia Yingchun, the second lady of Rongguo Mansion. She fell in love with her cousin Pan You’an since childhood. They have been engaged for life privately.
Pan Youan came into the Grand View Garden to meet the chess player, and accidentally lost a purse containing a love letter. When Mrs. Xing and Mrs. Wang learned about it, they were shocked and ordered to copy the Grand View Garden.
After the incident, Siqi was driven out of the Grand View Garden, but Pan You’an ran away because of fear. The chess player wept all day long and hated him for being timid and ungrateful. Later Pan Youan came back to get married, but was opposed by the chess family. The chess player fought ineffectively and died by crashing into a wall. Pan Youan also cut his throat with a knife after encoffining the coffin of Si Qi.


Simplified Chinese

Tradionnal Chinese
大觀園中有一座綴錦樓,住著賈赦的女兒迎春。 榮國府最講究排場,每位小姐屋裡有好幾個嬤嬤、大丫頭、小丫頭隨身服侍。

Simple Translation
There is a Zhuijin Building in the Grand View Garden, where Jia She’s daughter is living. Rongguo Mansion is the most fastidious. Each young lady has several mothers, big girls and small girls in her room to serve her.

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