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星期四, 25 4 月, 2024

The Ballad of War Carts, Du Fu – 杜甫 (兵車行)

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  从“长者虽有问”起,诗人又推进一层。“长者”,是征夫对诗人的尊称。“役夫”是士卒自称。“县官”指唐王朝。“长者”二句透露出统治者加给他们的精神桎梏,但是压是压不住的,下句就终究引发出诉苦之词。敢怒而不敢言,而后又终于说出来 ,这样一阖一开,把征夫的苦衷和恐惧心理,表现得极为细腻逼真。这几句写的是眼前时事。因为“未休关西卒”,大量的壮丁才被征发。而“未休关西卒”的原因,正是由于“武皇开边意未已”所造成。“租税从何出?”又与前面的“千村万落生荆杞”相呼应。这样前后照应,层层推进,对社会现实的揭示越来越深刻。这里忽然连用了几个短促的五言句,不仅表达了戍卒们沉痛哀怨的心情,也表现出那种倾吐苦衷的急切情态。这样通过当事人的口述,又从抓兵、逼租两个方面,揭露了统治者的穷兵黩武加给人民的双重灾难。





After Tianbao, the Tang Dynasty’s wars against the northwest and southwest minorities became more and more frequent. This continuous large-scale war has not only brought heavy disasters to the border ethnic minorities, but also brought the same misfortune to the people in the Central Plains.
According to the 216 years of Zizhi Tongjian: “In April, ten years after Tianbao, Jiannan envoy Xianyu Zhongtong attacked Nanzhao barbarians and was defeated by Lunan. At that time, Zhongtong had 80000 soldiers,… the army was defeated, 60000 soldiers were killed, and Zhongtong only saved himself. Yang Guozhong covered up his defeat and still recounted his military achievements…. He raised soldiers from two capitals and northern Henan to fight against Nanzhao. People heard that Yunnan was plagued by malaria, and the soldiers were killed before the war, so they were not willing to enlist. Yang Guozhong sent the imperial historian to arrest people in different ways, and flail was sent to the army It is the traveler who worries and complains. His parents and wife send it to him. His crying voice is very loud. ” This historical record can be read as an illustration of the poem. This poem artistically represents this social reality.
This is a political satire against Tang Xuanzong’s militarism. In response to the old man, the poem poured out the people’s hatred of the war and the pain it brought. Under such circumstances, local officials have to levy exorbitant taxes, and the people suffer even more. This is one of the masterpieces in which the poet deeply understood the sufferings of the people and placed deep sympathy.
The whole poem is divided into two sections by the boundary of “passers-by ask pedestrians”: the first section describes the tragic situation of farewell, which is a record of events; The second paragraph conveys Zhengfu’s complaint, which is Ji Yan. This poem has profound ideological content. With the reply of the Zhengfu to the old man, it tells the people’s hatred of the war and exposes the long-term militarism of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, which has caused great disasters to the people. The whole poem contains feelings in the narration, echoes with each other in the narrative order, changes in an orderly manner, and skillfully uses transitional sentences and idiomatic words, resulting in a sentimental artistic effect. The poet created a new inscription on current events in Yuefu, which made a pioneering contribution to the New Yuefu Movement in the Mid Tang Dynasty.
“Xing” is a genre of Yuefu songs. Du Fu’s Bingche Xing does not follow the old title, but comes from events. That is, famous articles, new titles, and the use of Yuefu folk songs, deeply reflect the suffering of the people.
The poem starts with the objective description of the sudden rise. With the vigorous writing technique of heavy ink painting, it suddenly shows a heartrending picture of farewell in front of the readers: the chariots rumble, the horses neigh, and teams of captured poor people, put on military uniforms, put on bows and arrows, are moving to the front under the escort of officials. Zhengfu’s wife and father searched for and shouted for their relatives in the procession, pulled their clothes, beat their chests and stamped their feet, and shouted while admonishing. The dust raised by cars and horses blocks the sky and the sun, and even the bridge across the Weishui River in the northwest of Xianyang is covered. The cries of thousands of people echoed in the clouds. “Ya Niang’s wife goes to see her off”. A family pillar and main labor force are captured, and the rest are old, weak, women and children. It’s a disaster for a family. Why not support the old and bring the young to see them off? An ordinary word “walk” conveys the poet’s strong feelings! The relatives were suddenly captured and escorted to the war. The family members rushed to call for a farewell. How hasty and sad! “Holding the clothes and stopping the feet to stop the way and crying”, four actions in a row, show the sender’s sentimental, pathetic, resentful and despairing gestures in detail. Under the poet’s pen, the dust is diffuse, and the traffic is dazzling; Crying all over the field, straight into the sky, deafening! This description gives readers a strong sense of hearing and vision, and focuses on the tragedy of thousands of families separated from their children. It is shocking!
Then, starting from “passers-by ask pedestrians”, the poet asked the people concerned, namely the enlisted soldiers, to talk directly through the method of asking questions.
“Passers by the roadside” means passers-by, namely Du Fu himself. The tragic scene above was witnessed by the poet; The following tragic words were heard by the poet himself. This enhances the realism of poetry. “Point line frequency”, which means frequent conscription, is the “eye of poetry” of the whole article. It pinpoints the root cause of the separation of the people, the innocent sacrifice of the people, and the desolation of the country’s farmland. Then take a “pedestrian” who is 15 years old and still guarding the border at the age of 40 as an example to specifically state the “point line frequency” to show that the situation is true and reliable. “The border court bled into sea water, and Emperor Wu opened the border unexpectedly.” “Emperor Wu” refers to the Han Dynasty as a metaphor for the Tang Dynasty, which actually refers to Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty. Du Fu so boldly pointed the spearhead directly at the supreme ruler, which was a fierce protest from the bottom of his heart and fully expressed the poet’s uncontrollable grief and indignation.
When the poet wrote here, his brushwork turned sharply, opening up another soul stirring realm. The poet led the audience with the words “You don’t hear”, and reminded the readers in a conversational tone to shift their eyes from the bloody frontier court to the vast inland. The “Han family” in the poem also alludes to the Tang Dynasty. There are thousands of villages in the fertile fields to the east of Huashan Mountain, which have become sparsely populated, deserted, brambled and withered. The poet galloped his imagination, from what he heard to what he saw, he thought of the whole country, and from one point to the other, he spread it to the whole country, which not only expanded the expression capacity of poetry, but also deepened the expression depth of poetry.
From the beginning of “although the elders have questions”, the poet has advanced to another level. “Elder” is Zhengfu’s honorific title for poets. “Servant” is the name of the soldiers. “County officials” refer to the Tang Dynasty. The two sentences of “elders” reveal the spiritual shackles imposed on them by the rulers, but the pressure is overwhelming, and the next sentence will eventually lead to complaints. Dare to be angry but dare not speak, and then finally speak out. Such a close and open show the Zhengfu’s painstakingness and fear in a very delicate and realistic way. These sentences are about current events. A large number of able-bodied men were recruited because they had not retired from the western part of the Pass. The reason for “not stopping the soldiers in the west of the Pass” is precisely due to “Emperor Wu opened the border without thinking”. “Where do taxes come from?” It also echoes the previous “thousands of villages and thousands of villages produce Jingqi”. In this way, the social reality is revealed more and more profoundly. A few short five character sentences were suddenly used here, which not only expressed the soldiers’ deep sorrow, but also showed their eagerness to pour out their grievances. In this way, through the oral statement of the party concerned, the double disasters imposed on the people by the ruler’s militarism were exposed from the two aspects of military control and forced rent.
The poet then sighed: It is better to have a boy than a girl. Girls can marry their neighbors, and boys can only die in the battlefield. This is a blood and tear complaint from the heart. The preference for men over women is a common social psychology under the feudal social system. However, due to years of war, a large number of men died. Under this cruel social condition, people have changed this social psychology. This change reflects how badly people have been destroyed in their minds! Finally, the poet described the tragic reality that has existed for a long time with a mournful tone: on the ancient battlefield near Qinghai, there are vast plain sand, bare bones, bleak wind, and ghost crying. The cold and gloomy scene makes people shudder. Here, the desolate and deep tone forms a strong contrast with the noisy atmosphere at the beginning, the sad and sad ghost cry and the earth shaking cry at the beginning. These are all the consequences of “opening the border but not having already”. So far, the poet’s full and hearty passion has been brought into full play, and the evil of the Tang Dynasty’s militarism has also been revealed incisively and vividly.
This narrative poem, no matter the description of the previous paragraph or the narration of the later generation, the poet’s intense and deep thoughts and feelings are naturally integrated into the whole poem, and the poet’s image of anxiety and anxiety seems to be displayed in front of readers. Secondly, in the narrative order, it echoes back and forth irregularly, which is comfortable, affordable, open and close, and orderly. The noisy atmosphere of people crying and smoke billowing in the first paragraph plays an important role in the second paragraph; The long narration in the second paragraph further deepens the ideological content of the scene description in the first paragraph. At the same time, the development of the plot is closely combined with the transformation of sentence patterns and rhymes. With the narration, sentence patterns and rhymes are constantly changing. Three, five and seven words are used in a mixed way, which strengthens the expressiveness of poetry. Like the first two three character sentences, they are short and exciting. Later, eight five character sentences were interspersed in a large section of seven character sentences to express the uncontrollable anger and plaintive passion of “pedestrians”. In terms of rhyme, there are eight rhymes in the whole poem. The four tones are flat and the four oblique tones are interlaced with each other. Thirdly, transitional sentences and idiomatic words are used in the narration. For example, in the narration of a large segment of the generation, “passers-by ask pedestrians, while pedestrians walk at cloud points.” “Although the elder asked, did the servant dare to revenge?” And “you can’t see”, “you can’t hear” and other words, not only avoid the lengthy tablet, but also constantly remind the readers, causing a soul stirring artistic effect. The poet also adopted the word joining method of folk songs, such as “holding the clothes and stopping the feet to cry in the road, and the cry goes straight up to the sky”. “The passers-by ask the pedestrians, but the pedestrians are walking at the cloud point frequently” and so on. In this way, they continue to run down like beads, reading aloud is sonorous, harmonious and beautiful. Finally, he adopted popular spoken language, such as “Yeniang’s wife”, “pulling clothes and stopping feet to stop crying”, “being driven is like a dog and a chicken”, which is fresh and natural and clear, and is a very prominent article in Du’s poems. When predecessors commented on this, they once said: “Miscellaneous ballads are the most touching, the shallower the more incisive.” The use of these folk song techniques has added a lively and cordial appeal to the poem.
This is a seven character song line, which uses the “absolute truth” technique of folk songs in many places. When it is read, it is as rich as a bead, and the tone is harmonious and beautiful. In addition, dialogue and some spoken English are also used to make the readers have a real sense of being present at the scene. The Poems of the Tang and Song Dynasties are mellow, which says: “This style was created by Lao Du. It satirizes current events and entrusts him with a question and answer speech. Those who say it are not guilty, but those who hear it are enough to give a warning. The voice of Xiaoya is also left behind. The first part of the article is written in a hurry, and the strokes are turbulent, like a sudden wind wave. You can’t look at it closely. Here are some lines of frequency, and the wrong side of the story is revealed. Then you are talking about current events, and at the end you end you end it with tragic words. The meaning of the words is gloomy, and the syllables are solemn and stirring. The business voice of the world cannot be forced.” ▲

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