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Simplified Chinese
红楼梦连环画之三 《王熙凤》连环画内容提要:

Tradionnal Chinese
王熙鳳是榮國府賈赦的兒媳婦。 她聰明美麗,精明能幹,但又陰險狠毒,貪婪成性。 因她善於逢迎,深得賈母和王夫人的寵愛。 甯國府賈珍的兒媳婦秦氏死了,賈珍委託王熙鳳辦理喪事,她雖未經辦過這樣的事,但自恃才幹,好强逞能,一口應允。 她獨斷專行,對人要打要罰,一直發展到貪贓受賄。 她瞞著家人,以榮國府的名義,指令地方官將一對相愛的青年活活拆散,使兩個青年雙雙以身殉情。 而王熙鳳在嘗到甜頭後,膽子越來越大,做了許多包攬詞訟、高利盤剝的事……

Simple Translation
The third comic book of the Dream of the Red Mansions, “Wang Xifeng”, is a synopsis of the content of the comic book:
Wang Xifeng is the daughter-in-law of Jia She in Rongguo Mansion. She is smart, beautiful, smart and capable, but also insidious, vicious and greedy. Because she is good at flattering, she is deeply loved by Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang. Qin Shi, the daughter-in-law of Jia Zhen in the Ningguo Mansion, died. Jia Zhen entrusted Wang Xifeng to handle the funeral. Although she had never handled such a thing, she relied on her talent and was so strong that she agreed. She was arbitrary and wanted to punish others, and developed into taking bribes. Without telling her family, she instructed the local officials to separate a pair of young people who loved each other alive in the name of Rongguo Mansion, so that both young people would die for love. Wang Xifeng, however, became more and more daring after tasting the sweetness, and did a lot of things including litigation and usury

Simplified Chinese

Tradionnal Chinese
王熙鳳——鳳姐是榮國府賈璉的妻子。 她年紀雖輕,卻是精明老練。 由於她行事專斷,异常狠毒,所以大家背地裡叫她『鳳辣子』

Simple Translation
Wang Xifeng – Sister Feng is the wife of Jia Lian in Rongguo Mansion. Although she is young, she is smart and sophisticated. Because she acted arbitrarily and was extremely vicious, everyone secretly called her “chicken spicy”

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