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“曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云”表面上是说看过“沧海水”、 “巫山云”之后,其它地方的水和云已经很难再入诗人的眼底了,实际上隐喻他们夫妻之间的感情有如沧海之水和巫山之云,其深广和美好是世间无与伦比的——除爱妻之外,再没有能让诗人动心的女子了。诗人借“沧海水”、 “巫山云”这世间绝美的景象,表达了自己对爱妻坚贞不渝的感情,表现了夫妻昔日的美好感情。“曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云”,意境深远、意蕴颇丰,情感炽烈却又含蓄蕴藉,成为人们喜欢借用的一副联语,后来不仅用来表达爱情深厚坚贞永固,还常被人们用来形容阅历丰富而眼界极高。这首诗也从客观上进一步提升了人们对沧海之水巫山之云的认识。





“It’s hard to be a water after experiencing the sea, except that Wushan is not a cloud.” On the surface, it means that after seeing “Canghai Water” and “Wushan Cloud”, the water and cloud in other places are hard for the poet to see again. In fact, it means that their feelings between husband and wife are like the water of the sea and the cloud of Wushan, and their depth and beauty are unparalleled in the world – there is no woman who can appeal to the poet except his wife. The poet expressed his unswerving feelings for his beloved wife and the good feelings of the couple in the past by taking advantage of the beautiful scenes of the world such as “Canghai Water” and “Wushan Cloud”. “It is difficult to be a water once experienced the sea, except for Wushan, it is not a cloud”. It has profound artistic conception, rich connotation, and fiery but implicit feelings. It has become a couplet that people like to borrow. Later, it is not only used to express deep, firm and permanent love, but also often used to describe rich experience and high vision. This poem also objectively improves people’s understanding of the water of the sea and the cloud of Wushan Mountain.
“Difficult for water” and “not clouds” are words of love. Although this is Yuan Zhen’s preference for his wife, their feelings as husband and wife are indeed rare. Yuan Zhen has a vivid description in his poem “Dispelling Sadness”. Therefore, the third sentence said that he walked through the “flowers” and was too lazy to look at them, indicating that he had no sentimental attachment to women.
“Take the flowers and look back lazily. It’s half because of the cultivation and half because of the gentleman.”. The third sentence uses flowers as a metaphor for people. Even if you walk into the flowers that are in full bloom and full of fragrance, you are too lazy to look back and inadvertently appreciate those blooming flowers that come into your sight, which means you have no desire to care for women any more. The fourth sentence inherits the reason of “lazy review” and implicitly says: First, he is disillusioned with the world because of his religious practice; 2、 Because the loss of a loved one, will no longer be interested in other grass flowers, which is an emotional sustenance of grief can not be extricated; “Cultivating morality” can also be understood as a kind of self integrity of self-cultivation, moral cultivation and scholarship. The feeling of anxiety expressed by “half predestined cultivation” and “half predestined monarch” is completely consistent, which makes it more meaningful.
Yuan Zhen’s quatrains are not only highly illustrative and lyrical, but also well written. The first two sentences describe nostalgia and mourning with extreme metaphors. “Canghai” and “Wushan” are magnificent words, with the tendency of sad songs spreading and rivers surging. Later, “Lazy Review” and “Half Fate King” relaxed the language and turned it into a deep lyric. Relaxation and relaxation are free, and changes are caused, forming a kind of ups and downs melody. As far as the sentiment of the whole poem is concerned, it is sentimental but not vulgar, magnificent but not flashy, solemn and stirring but not low, creating the supreme realm of the death quatrain in the Tang Dynasty. “Once experienced the sea” is especially recited by people.

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