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Long and Short Sentences of Jiaxuan 稼轩长短句 – Top 100 Books in China

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Heroic and delicate, Ci for the champion of the Song Dynasty


Chinese Name: 稼轩长短句

English Name: Long and Short Sentences of Jiaxuan, Jiaxuan’s Ci 稼轩词

Author: Xin Qiji 辛弃疾

Originally Published: A.D. 1150-1207 (Southern Song Dynasty 南宋)

Genre: Literature, Poem, Ci

Brief Introduction of Long and Short Sentences of Jiaxuan

Long and Short Sentences of Jiaxuan 稼轩长短句 is a collection of works by Xin Qiji 辛弃疾, a famous Ci writer in the Southern Song Dynasty. Its author is Xin Qiji. Jiaxuan is xin Qiji’s other name, so his collection of works is called Long and Short Sentences of Jiaxuan, also called Jiaxuan’s Ci.

Xin Qiji is similar to Su Shi‘s 苏轼 style in art, which is called “Su Xin 苏辛”. His Ci style is vertical and horizontal, vigorous and unrestrained. He inherited the style of Su Shi’s unrestrained Ci style, and further expanded the realm of Ci in content and art.

The book contains more than 620 words. The ideological content is very deep and broad. It records xin Qiji’s armed struggle against the Jin Dynasty 金朝, embodies his ideal of recovering the country, making the country rich and the army strong, and contains his depression of not being reused and his grief and anger that his ambition is unfulfilled. There are also depictions of rural scenes and customs.

It is the first time in the history of Chinese literature that Xin Qiji wrote a poem about combat life. The important content of Xin Ci is to resist the soldiers of jin Dynasty and recover the country,such as “Partridge Sky 鹧鸪天” and “The Head of a Water Tune 水调歌头”.

Xin Qiji’s patriotic ideal could not be realized, and he could only express his indignation with the help of water and mountains, such as “The Son of The Southern Township: Climbing to jingkou North Guting With Bosom 南乡子·登京口北固亭有怀” and “Forever Encounter Music: Jingkou North Guting with Nostalgia 永遇乐·京口北固亭怀古”.

Long and Short Sentences of Jiaxuan 稼轩长短句
Xin Qiji’s classic sentence.辛弃疾作的经典词句。

Long and Short Sentences of Jiaxuan is the first peak in the history of Chinese ci.

Long and Short Sentences of Jiaxuan 稼轩长短句(辛弃疾作词送别友人)
Xin Qiji wrote poems on the ship to see off her friends. 辛弃疾在船上作诗词送别朋友。

Author of Long and Short Sentences of Jiaxuan

Xin Qiji (1140 — 1207), also known as Jia Xuan, was a native of Licheng District 历城区, Jinan city 济南市, Shandong Province 山东省. He was an official, general and litterateur of the Southern Song Dynasty. He was a boastful poet, known as “the dragon of Ci” 词中之龙.

At the age of 21, Xin Qiji joined the anti-Jin Yijun army 抗金义军 and soon returned to the Southern Song Dynasty. He was an official in Jiangxi 江西省 and Fujian 福建省 provinces. As he did not agree with the ruling party, he was demoted and retired. Later, has been used as the governor of Shaoxing 绍兴, Zhenjiang 镇江 and other places. In 1207, Xin Qiji died of illness at the age of 68.

Xin Qiji’s life is to restore the motherland as the ambition, but the fate is ill-fated, marginalized, ambition is hard to pay. However, his patriotic belief in restoring the Central Plains never wavered, but filled with passion and concern for the rise and fall of the country, the fate of the nation and all expressed in the Ci. Its Ci art style was diverse, with bold and unrestrained, bold and exquisite style. Its Ci theme was broad and good at using allusions. He expressed his patriotic enthusiasm for the restoration of the country, poured out his grief and anger over unfulfilled ambitions, and condemned the rulers. There were also many works that chant the rivers and mountains of the motherland.

Xin Qiji is the hero of anti-Jin 抗金 and the singer of The Times. He sang the strongest voice of The Times with fervent patriotic enthusiasm and heroic spirit. In the history of Ci, he is the author with the largest number of works and the widest range of subjects. He made the most complete liberation of the subject matter of the word, which is epoch-making significance.

Xin Qiji 辛弃疾
Xin Qiji 辛弃疾



Excerpts From Long and Short Sentences of Jiaxuan







Evaluation of Long and Short Sentences of Jiaxuan

Xin Qiji’s poems have temperament and realm. They are really excellent works.

Wang Guowei 王国维

Xin Jia Xuan is the dragon in the Ci.

Chen Tingzhuo 陈廷焯

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