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星期六, 21 9 月, 2024


Basic information

  • City: Shanghai
  • Founded in: 2000
  • Type: Public University
  • Number of total students: 4000
  • Number of international students: 0
  • Number of faculty: 300
上海南京路步行街 Nanjing Road Walkway, Shanghai. Image by iStudy-Hera.

About Shanghai

Shanghai, on China’s central coast, is the country's biggest city and a global financial hub. Its heart is the Bund, a famed waterfront promenade lined with colonial-era buildings. Across the Huangpu River rises the Pudong district’s futuristic skyline, including 632m Shanghai Tower and the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, with distinctive pink spheres. Sprawling Yu Garden has traditional pavilions, towers and ponds. ― Google


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About Shanghai National Accounting Institute

Under the strong support of former Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji, the Shanghai National Accounting Institute (SNAI) was established in September 2000 as a public service institution affiliated to the Ministry of Finance of China (MOF). The Institution is subject to the dual leadership of MOF and the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government and its operation is managed by the President under the supervision of the Board of Directors. Meanwhile, SNAI also hosts the Asia-Pacific Finance and Development Center (AFDC) created by the Chinese Central Government for region-wide capacity building under the APEC framework.

In the past 10-plus years, SNAI has sought to find pedagogy proper for senior financial and accounting professionals, cultivate high-end talent for the accounting industry and provide advanced continuing education for macroeconomic regulators, large-and-medium-sized SOEs, financial institutions and intermediaries. Today, SNAI has created its own unique teaching philosophy and methods underpinned by the three pillars of degree education, executive development program and distance education. Over the years, SNAI has gradually established its reputation and become a spiritual home for accounting practitioners.

So far, SNAI has trained over 1.4 million trainees. Many programs, such as the National Leading Accounting Talents Program, Program for Chief Accountants at SOEs, and a series of advanced, customized courses for enterprises, financial institutions, and finance and taxation departments have become brand-name programs with wide influence. In 2011, SNAI is approved by the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council as the unit for granting Master’s Degree in Professional Accounting and Auditing. In the same year, the EMBA program in cooperation with Arizona State University was ranked 20th globally by the Financial Times. In 2013, EMBA and EMPAcc programs obtained the accreditation from the Ministry of Education. In 2014, SNAI was approved by the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council to offer another degree program-Master of Taxation. As a national-level continuing education base, SNAI also provides distance education for accounting practitioners at the grassroots level and managerial talents in western China. Looking forward, SNAI will continue to make unremitting efforts to build it into the world’s leading accounting institute with international recognition, which entails the realization of four sub-goals as being a highland in bringing up accounting talents in China, a think tank for national accounting policymaking and corporate finance, a national aggregator for accounting information, and an international platform for communication and exchange in accounting.


The college vigorously develops high-end systematic continuing education with degree education as the carrier. In 2002, the college cooperated with the Chinese University of Hong Kong to launch the earliest master’s degree program of professional accounting for senior accountants in mainland China (empacc). In 2003, the college cooperated with Arizona State University to launch the master of Business Administration (EMBA) program for senior managers in finance and finance. In 2005, it cooperated with Shanghai University of Finance and economics to launch the on-the-job master of accounting degree program (MPAcc). In 2011, the college was approved as a master’s degree awarding unit by the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council. In 2013, EMBA and empacc were recognized by the Ministry of education. It has formed the echelon training mode of senior financial professionals of “EMBA project training CEO proficient in finance and finance”, “empacc project training CFO” and “MPAcc, Maud and MIM project training future CFO and senior manager”. As of 2013, the college has held 51 classes of degree programs and enrolled 2752 degree program students.

The project has set up 8 compulsory courses and 9 elective courses, with qualified results, and was awarded the master of business administration certificate of Arizona State University and the qualification training certificate of chief financial officer of Shanghai National Institute of accounting. In order to ensure the high quality of the project, both sides choose the most outstanding professors in relevant fields all over the world. They come from first-class universities such as Yale University, Cornell University, Massachusetts Institute of technology, Pennsylvania State University and Washington University. They not only have doctorates from famous European and American universities and rich teaching experience, but also have valuable experience in participating in global successful enterprise consulting or government consulting.

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