xiāoxī 消息
Wax and Wane
Waxing and waning are two ways in which things change. These two ways are opposites, but they also alternate with each other. When something has grown to a certain point, it will begin to decline, and having declined to a certain degree it will begin to grow again. All things between heaven and earth are in a process of waxing and waning in compliance with their internal laws. People need to grasp this law and act accordingly as things wax and wane.
引例 Citations:
The man of virtue values the process of waxing and waning, fullness and emptiness; they are the movements of heaven. (The Book of Changes)
When the sun reaches midday, it begins to set, and when the moon is full, it begins to wane. Heaven and earth reach fullness and emptiness and wax and wane as time passes. This also applies to humans. So do spirits and gods! (The Book of Changes)