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崔涂 〔唐代〕










  颔联“暮雨相呼失,寒塘欲下迟”,是全篇的警策。第三句是说失群的原因,第四句是说失群之后仓皇的表现,既写出当时的自然环境,也刻画出孤雁的神情状态。时间是在晚上,地点是在寒塘。暮雨苍茫,一只孤雁在空中嘹嘹呖呖,呼寻伙伴。那声音是够凄厉的了。它经不住风雨的侵凌,再要前进,已感无力,面前恰有一个芦叶萧萧的池塘,想下来栖息,却又影单心怯,几度盘旋。那种欲下未下的举动,迟疑畏惧的心理,写得细腻入微。可以看出,作者是把自己孤凄的情感熔铸在孤雁身上了,从而构成一个统一的艺术整体,读来如此逼真动人。诚如近人俞陛云所说:“如庄周之以身化蝶,故入情入理,犹咏鸳鸯之‘暂分烟岛犹回首,只渡寒塘亦并飞’,替鸳鸯着想,皆妙入毫颠也。”(《诗境浅说》)颈联“渚云低暗度,关月冷相随”,是承颔联而来,写孤雁穿云随月,振翅奋飞,然而仍是只影无依,凄凉寂寞。“渚云低”是说乌云逼近洲渚,对孤雁来说,便构成了一个压抑的、恐怖的氛围,孤雁就在那样惨澹的昏暗中飞行。这是多么令人担忧呵!这时作者是在注视并期望着孤雁穿过乌云,脱离险境。“关月”,指关塞上的月亮,这一句写想象中孤雁的行程,虽非目力所及,然而“望尽似犹见”,倾注了对孤雁自始至终的关心。这两句中特别要注意一个 “低”字,一个“冷”字。月冷云低,衬托着形单影只,就突出了行程的艰险,心境的凄凉;而这都是紧紧地扣着一个“孤”字。唯其孤,才感到云低的可怕;唯其只有冷月相随,才显得孤单凄凉。




In a couplet, all the companions are gone, and only the wild geese fly alone, writing about “being away from the crowd” to the point. In the second couplet, I write about the look of lonely geese. First, I write about the reason for losing the group, and then I write about the panic after losing the group. The pain of losing the group. Although Zhenyu is struggling, it is still a desolate and lonely shadow. Four couplets are written to express the poet’s good wishes and contradictory feelings. Xu Peijun believed that this poem “has many beautiful words, and none of them is idle; moreover, the lingering sound is endless, which can be regarded as the top quality of five verse poetry”
This is a sad and persistent wild goose: it doesn’t drink, it doesn’t peck, it just flies, it cries, it pursues its companion. The poet sympathizes with the lonely geese who are lost, but in fact, he integrates his own thoughts and feelings.
This poem is entitled “Lonely Goose”. The whole poem is actually about solitary geese. “The eye of poetry” is a word of “solitary”. A “solitary” word coheres the verve and artistic conception of the whole poem, and it is naturally formed.
In order to highlight the solitary geese, we should first write the background of “outliers”. So at the beginning, the poet said, “What is the only way to read a few lines?” The author was originally from the south of the Yangtze River. In his life, he often visited Pakistan, Sichuan, Hunan, Hubei, Qin and Gansu. At this moment, I thought I was standing on the post house and looked at it from afar: under the sky, I saw several lines of wild geese flying northward. Gradually, the flock of wild geese disappeared, leaving only a solitary wild goose hovering in the low sky. From the word “Gui Sai”, we can see that the geese are heading north, and also in spring; Because only after the vernal equinox did the wild geese fly back to the Great Wall. In these two sentences, we should pay special attention to one word “line” and one word “alone”. With the contrast between “xing” and “du”, solitary geese emerge. The word “Nian Er” implies the poet’s sympathy. The ancients often wrote poems with objects to express their aspiration and pay attention to the deep and micro prosperity. The sentence of “Nian Er” is very well written. You have swallowed up your anger before the pen arrived. You can faintly let an “isolated” character reflect the whole body and control the whole situation. “What is the only one?” It shows that the poet is detaining guests at this time to write the sorrow of parting by means of lonely geese.
The supporting couplet “The evening rain calls for loss, and the cold pond is about to descend late” is a warning for the whole article. The third sentence is about the reason for the loss of the group, and the fourth sentence is about the hasty performance after the loss of the group, which not only describes the natural environment at that time, but also depicts the look of the solitary goose. The time is in the evening, and the place is in the cold pond. The evening rain is vast, and a lone goose is chirping in the air, looking for its partner. That voice is sad enough. It can’t stand the wind and rain. It feels powerless to move forward. There is a pond with rustling reeds in front of it. It wants to come down and live, but it is afraid and hovers several times. That kind of action, hesitation and fear, is delicate and subtle. It can be seen that the author is casting his lonely feelings on the lonely goose, thus forming a unified artistic whole, which is so vivid and touching. As Yu Diyun, a close friend, said, “As Zhuangzhou turned himself into a butterfly, so it is reasonable and reasonable. It is like singing about mandarin ducks: ‘I will look back at the smoke island for a while, and I will only cross the cold pond and fly at the same time.’ For mandarin ducks, everything is wonderful.” (A Brief Introduction to Poetic Conception) The neck couplet “The clouds are low and dark, and the moon is cold.” It comes from the support couplet. It depicts a solitary goose flying with the moon through the clouds. However, it is still desolate and lonely. “The clouds are low” means that the dark clouds are approaching the Zhouzhu. For the lonely goose, it is a depressing and horrible atmosphere. The lonely goose flies in such miserable darkness. How worrying it is! At this time, the author is watching and expecting the lonely goose to pass through the dark clouds and get out of danger. “Guanyue” refers to the moon on the fortress. This sentence describes the journey of the wild goose in imagination. Although it is not within sight, it “looks as if you can still see it”, paying attention to the wild goose from beginning to end. Pay special attention to the word “low” and the word “cold” in these two sentences. The cold moon and low clouds set off the loneliness, which highlights the dangers of the journey and the bleakness of mind; This is closely linked with the word “solitary”. Only when they are alone can they feel the fear of low clouds; Only when the cold moon accompanies, it looks lonely and desolate.
The last two sentences of the poem describe the poet’s good wishes and contradictory feelings. “It is unlikely that a solitary goose will be attacked by hidden arrows, but it always makes people suspicious.”. From the tone of voice, it looks like a word of comfort — comfort the lonely goose, and also comfort yourself; In fact, however, they were more worried. Because the fear of going down to the cold pond and exclaiming about the loss of a couple mentioned above are all expressions of being scared. Until here, the reason for being scared was pointed out. In a word, it is the lonely goose who is afraid of paying every time. It was not until the last sentence of the poem, “Lonely Flying is Suspicious”, that the word “Lonely” was picked up in front of the poem, and the “Eye of Poetry” was so enlightened. The poet wanders in a foreign land, and the road is steep and dangerous. This poem is a metaphor for lonely geese, which shows his lonely and worried feelings of confinement.
Liu Xizai, a native of the Qing Dynasty, said, “It is easy to have five words without leisure, but difficult to have an aftertaste.” (“Yi Ji · Shi Ji”) Cui Tu’s “Lonely Goose” is full of brilliant words, and there is no idle pen; And the lingering sound is endless, which can be called the top grade of five character regular poems. ▲

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