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Early Autumn in (Taiyuan) Shaanxi

Year’s end, the flowers now rest
The season of the fleeting Fire Star
On the Frontier, the mighty frost is early and
Autumn’s colorful clouds have crossed the River
Dreams circle the city’s walls
In autumn my heart flies homeward
My thoughts returning south, like the Fen River
Everyday, all day long

Early Autumn in (Taiyuan) Shaanxi

Year’s end, the flowers now rest
The season of the fleeting Fire Star
On the Frontier, the mighty frost is early and
Autumn’s colorful clouds have crossed the River
Dreams circle the city’s walls
In autumn my heart flies homeward
My thoughts returning south, like the Fen River
Everyday, all day long

The stars his only companions.

Li Bai was destined to spend most of his life wandering from place to place. He also married four times. His first marriage was in 727, in Anlu, Hubei Province, to the granddaughter of a former government minister. Autumn in the year 735 finds him in northern Taiyun, the capital of Hedong Province (present day Shanxi)* wishing he was home.

*It is possible but speculative that Li Bai was visiting the politically powerful Pei Clan in hopes of an Imperial appointment.

Notes on Translation

Shaanxi, Shanxi, Taiyuan

English translations often use Shaanxi in the title for the sake of convenience. But Li Bai’s title is 太 原 早 秋 and 太 原 refers to Tàiyuán. This is in fact the capital of Shanxi province, which is today sometimes interchangeably confused with the similar contiguous province of Shaanxi. In Li Bai’s time, Shanxi was known as Hedong, meaning east of the Yellow River.

The character for Autumn, Qiu 秋, appears in the title and twice in the poem. The season is a transition from summer to winter, from joy to melancholy.

The Fire Star, my guess is that this refers to the Perseid Meteor Showers which peak in autumn. A second possibility is the red planet, Mars (Short for 火星, Huǒxīng), hence the name Fire Star. The star is fleeting because its lop-sided orbit causes the planet’s glow to wax and wane. There is also a legendary tale of the Yan Emperors from this region who used the titles “flame emperors”.

Hé 河, in line 4, refers to the Yellow River.

Fén shuǐ 汾水, seventh line. Fen River runs north to south through Shanxi Province, eventually joining the Yellow River.

Chinese and Pinyin

太 原 早 秋

岁 落 众 芳 歇
时 当 大 火 流
霜 威 出 塞 早
云 色 渡 河 秋
梦 绕 边 城 月
心 飞 故 国 秋
思 归 若 汾 水
无 日 不 悠 悠

Taiyuan Zao Qiu

Sui man zhong fang xie
Shi dang da huo liu.
Shuang wei qu sai zao
Yun se du he qiu.
Meng rao bian cheng yue
Xin fei gu guo qiu.
Si gui ruo fenshui
Wu ri bu you you.


李白 〔唐代〕




大火:星名,二十八宿之一,即心宿。《诗经·七月》“七月流火”即指此星。这颗星每年夏历五月的黄昏出现于正南方,位置最高,六七月开始向下行,故称“流火”。时当大火流,即时当夏历七月之后。张衡《定情歌》:“大火流兮草虫鸣。”《图书编》:“大火,心星 也。以六月之昏,加于地之南,至七月之昏,则下而西流矣。”
As time goes by, flowers and plants gradually wither; As the Great Mars gradually moves westward, the summer slowly leaves.
The autumn frost came here early from the north, and the north of the Yellow River has shown a breath of autumn.
Every night and every autumn dream twines around the moon above the border town, but my heart returns to the upstairs of my hometown with the moonlight.
The feeling of homesickness is like the continuous Fen River, which flows to my hometown all the time.




  接着进入颔联,承接首联的“早秋”。“霜威出塞早,云色渡河秋。” “威”就是威力、威风,在此指秋霜很浓。“出塞”、“渡河”是地域位置。“塞”指边塞。“河”指黄河。这两句直接描写了太原早秋的自然气候。特别要注意的是诗人为了更好地表现太原自然地理条件的特点,除了用词语描写外,诗人还运用了镶嵌的修辞手法,也就是在两句末镶嵌了“早”、“秋”两字,巧妙点题。


  进入颈联,这一联转写作者自己。“梦”指作者的归乡之梦,“边城”指太原。对于一个远行在外作客他乡的游子来说,一到夜晚“举头望明月 低头思故乡”。思归之情悠然而生,但是这个愿望不能马上实现,只能绕着边城的月亮来旋转。“故国”指故乡。虽然归家的愿望不能立即实现,但是却归心似箭,诗人的那颗心早已飞回了故乡的家园。




Through the description of the natural environment in early autumn, this poem shows the poet’s eagerness to travel to other countries, miss his hometown and relatives all the time, and desire to return home. This poem assumes that it is novel and ingenious, with strict structure, sincere feelings and lofty style.
The first couplet “When the year is over, people will rest, and when the fire is flowing”. “Fragrance” refers to flowers, which means that many flowers have withered. In nature, it is a natural law that flowers and plants flourish in spring and decline in autumn. “Fire” refers to the name of the star. One of the 28 constellations, also known as “Xinxiu”, is located in the south, and “flow” points downward. It is up to July. The first two sentences of the poem implicitly indicate the season described in the poem – early autumn by means of natural scenery. From the structure of the metrical poem, this couplet is the beginning.
Then enter the Support Federation to undertake the “early autumn” of the first couplet. “Frost power goes out of the fortress early, and clouds cross the river in autumn.” “Power” means power and prestige. Here, it refers to the thick autumn frost. “Going out of the fortress” and “crossing the river” are geographical locations. The “plug” refers to the frontier fortress. “River” refers to the Yellow River. These two sentences directly describe the natural climate of Taiyuan in early autumn. In particular, in order to better express the characteristics of Taiyuan’s natural and geographical conditions, the poet, in addition to using words to describe, also used inlaid rhetoric, that is, at the end of the two sentences, inlaid the words “early” and “autumn” to skillfully point out the topic.
Professor Tan Yongxiang said in the Aesthetics of Chinese Rhetoric, “Embedding specific characters and words in specific sentences in order to receive multiple expression effects. This rhetorical technique is called ‘inlay’.” At the same time, he said: “The person who places a specific word or word at the beginning or end of a sentence is called ‘inlay’, and the person who places it in a sentence is called ‘inlay’.” The expression effect of this rhetorical device not only highlights and emphasizes the significance, but also enhances the interest and visual appeal of the article. In this poem, “Early Autumn” in the title gets the reference in form and content in the poem sentences, and connects the two sentences through “Early Autumn” and “Autumn”, which not only emphasizes the characteristics of the “Early Autumn” scenery described by the poet, but also gets the reference in form, forming a duality, making it form a complete whole.
Enter the neck couplet, which transcribes the author himself. “Dream” refers to the author’s dream of returning home, and “Border Town” refers to Taiyuan. For a traveler who travels far away to visit his hometown, he “looks up at the bright moon and looks down at his hometown” at night. The feeling of yearning for return came into being leisurely, but this wish could not be realized immediately. It could only revolve around the moon in the border town. “Homeland” refers to hometown. Although the desire to return home could not be realized immediately, the poet’s heart was like an arrow. The poet’s heart had already flown back to his hometown.
The tail couplet is joint. “The thought of returning is like the Fenshui River, which is leisurely every day.”. “Youyou” is originally meant to be melancholy, but it also means to be sentimental. At the same time, according to the last sentence, “Think of yourself as Fenshui”, “Youyou” also has a continuous meaning. These two sentences mean that my yearning for home haunts me all the time, just like the Fenhe River, which has never been cut off one day. Using water to describe feelings is a common method in ancient poetry, and it is also one of the meanings contained in the image of “flowing water”. For example, Li Yu’s “Ask how much sorrow you can have, just like a river flowing eastward”; Zhang said, “The immortals can’t be picked up when they smell, and their hearts are long with the lake”; Li Bai’s “A lone sail casts shadows over the blue mountains, and only the Yangtze River flows across the sky”. In this poem, the poet, in order to emphasize the profound feeling of his “homesickness”, vividly expresses his feelings of homesickness day and night by analogy with the incessant flow of Fenhe River.
In terms of artistic techniques, the poem pays attention to the matching of the theme, especially the use of inlaid rhetorical devices in the couplet of support. At the end of the two sentences, the words “early” and “autumn” are respectively used, which are ingeniously used to place the theme and correspond to the poem theme. Secondly, the last two sentences use simile rhetoric to vividly visualize the abstract feeling of yearning, and use water to describe the feeling, which is continuous, to clearly express their feelings of constant yearning.

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