性别: 女
星座: 水瓶座
出生日期: 1967年01月31日
出生地: Taiwan, China
职业: 演员
更多外文名: Joey Wang
更多中文名: 祖儿 / 小贤
家庭成员: 齐秦(前男友)
影人简介 · · · · · ·
王祖贤(1967年1月31日-),英文名Joey Wong,身高1.72米。出生于台湾台北市,祖籍安徽舒城。台湾出道后于香港发展之电影女演员。17岁时拍摄第一部电影《今年的湖畔会很冷》并获得金马奖三项提名。1987年以《倩女幽魂》一片开始走红于亚洲各地。2009年7月7日传王祖贤因感情不顺在加拿大削发为尼。王祖贤本人对此表示否认,王父也通过王祖贤干爹傅达仁否认传言。
Movie Maker Profile······
Wang Zuxian (January 31, 1967 -), English name Joey Wong, height 1.72 meters. He was born in Taipei, Taiwan, and his ancestral home is Shucheng, Anhui. Film actress who developed in Hong Kong after her debut in Taiwan. At the age of 17, she shot her first film, “The lakeside will be very cold this year” and was nominated for three Golden Horse Awards. In 1987, she became famous all over Asia with the film “Ghost of a Beautiful Girl”. On July 7, 2009, it was said that Wang Zuxian cut his hair and became a nun in Canada due to his bad feelings. Wang Zuxian himself denied this, and his father also denied the rumor through Fu Daren, Wang Zuxian’s godfather.