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星期五, 26 4 月, 2024

高圆圆 Yuanyuan Gao – Photo Gallery Wallpaper

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性别: 女
星座: 天秤座
出生日期: 1979年10月05日
出生地: 中国,北京
职业: 演员
更多中文名: 高园园(本名)
家庭成员: 赵又廷(夫) / 高俊仁(父) / Rhea(女儿)

影人简介 · · · · · ·
高圆圆是国内最具人气的年轻女艺人之一,她清纯的外表给观众们留下了极好的印象。高圆圆因为拍摄了“清嘴“广告而吸引了人们的视线,那个青春、俏皮的“清嘴”女孩使观众对高圆圆产生好感。但高圆圆真正被大家所熟悉是从电影《爱情麻辣烫》开始。高圆圆出演了很多叫好又叫座的影视剧,如《男才女貌》《宝贝计划》等。除此之外,高圆圆还是无数广告商的宠儿,她曾为海昌隐形眼镜 、达利园优先乳、mm巧克力等不少热门品牌代言。高圆圆还不断成为很多杂志的封面女郎,她频频出现在《看电影》、《MISS》、《时尚芭莎》等国内知名杂志封面及内页,一度成为焦点人物。2008四川地震中,高圆圆捐款20万,表现出了她的爱心。

Gender: Female
Constellation: Libra
Date of birth: October 5, 1979
Birthplace: Beijing, China
Occupation: actor
More Chinese names: Gao Yuanyuan (real name)
Family members: Zhao Youting (husband)/Gao Junren (father)/Rhea (daughter)

Movie Maker Profile······
Gao Yuanyuan is one of the most popular young female artists in China. Her pure appearance left a good impression on the audience. Gao Yuanyuan attracted people’s attention by shooting the advertisement of “Clean Mouth”. The young and witty “Clean Mouth” girl made the audience like Gao Yuanyuan. But Gao Yuanyuan was really known to everyone from the movie Love Malatang. Gao Yuanyuan has appeared in many popular TV dramas, such as “Men and Women” and “Baby Project”. In addition, Gao Yuanyuan is also the favorite of numerous advertisers. She has been a spokesperson for many popular brands, such as Haichang contact lenses, Daliyuan priority milk, mm chocolate, etc. Gao Yuanyuan has also become the cover girl of many magazines. She has frequently appeared on the cover and inside pages of many well-known domestic magazines, such as Watching the Movie, MISS and Fashion Bazaar, and once became the focus. During the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, Gao Yuanyuan donated 200000 yuan, showing her love.

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