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The Yuhua Palace was abolished as the Yuhua Temple when writing this poem. However, the title of this poem is not “Yuhua Temple”, but “Yuhua Palace”, which reflects the poet’s infinite remembrance of the rule of Zhenguan and his lamentation of the difficulty of prosperity in living in the vicissitudes of life when the country is in decline and the war is a continuous scourge. Looking back on the past, he can’t help but feel sad.
The first eight lines of the poem describe the desolate scene of the old palace. First, write the exterior scene of the old palace: “When the river returns, the pine wind grows, and the hamster rushes through the ancient tiles.” The stream in front of the palace flows back, the pine wind howls, and the pale brown mice scurry on the ancient tiles. What emperor built this palace abandoned under the cliff? Then I wrote about the interior of the old palace: I don’t know what palace is left under the cliff. In that gloomy room, the green lights seemed like ghost fire at night, and the road in disrepair was flowing with swift water, and the sound of water seemed to be wailing. In addition, all natural sounds are as pleasant as the sound of sheng and yu playing. In the palace, the autumn scenery is particularly natural. Here, the author uses the interspersed technique. In every four sentences, the first two sentences of the scene are filled with lyric feelings. In the intermittent jumping style of the scene, the author inserts his own feelings, and naturally combines the scene with the feeling, avoiding the straight narration, so that the scene reaches a high degree of integration. At the same time, in the description of the use of contrast, that is, music against sorrow. At the time of the war in the sea, the natural sound and scenery did not change because of personnel. They looked so beautiful in the autumn, while the ancient palace in front of them was desolate. A word of “ancient” and a word of “positive” reveal the news and show the author’s originality in choosing words. In this way, the contrast between the past and the present is more intense, and the author’s feelings about the impermanence of life are also hidden in it, which makes a clever foreshadowing for the last eight sentences.
The last eight sentences of the poem express the feeling of desolation of the old palace. The first four sentences come from the above, exclaiming the disillusionment and impermanence of people and things. First, I wrote: The beautiful women in the palace in the past have already turned into loess, not to mention those puppet figures who were buried dead! Re writing: Jin Yu, who served Emperor Taizong in those days, is so gorgeous. Where is he now?
All that remains is the cold stone horse in front of the gate of the barren hall. From the feelings about people and things, the last four sentences naturally lead to sorrow. The poet could not bear the sadness he saw and felt. He sat down on the grass, singing and crying. He thought: In the long river of history, who can live forever? The endless sorrow of life is really endless! Qiu Zhao’ao said in the Detailed Notes to Du Fu’s Poems: “The last chapter (referring to Jiucheng Palace) ends with injuries and chaos, and this chapter (namely, Yuhua Palace) ends with worries about the old.” In fact, this poem contains more feelings of sadness and confusion in worrying about the old. Du Fu was 46 years old at the time of writing this poem. In addition to being trapped in Chang’an for ten years, he also experienced three years of war. The devastation of the war made people feel vulnerable to aging and uncertain life and death. He deeply understood the hardships of life, and also felt the profound disaster brought by the war. At this time, he saw the desolate scene of the old palace. Because of the scenery and the people, and because of the people, the country, he closely linked the personal sorrow with the fate of the country. He worried about life and the world, making the meaning of the whole poem deeper and wider, thus producing a more gloomy ideological force.
This poem is not only leaping and changing in structure, but also distinctive in phonology. First of all, in terms of rhyme, the poem rhymes to the end with short tonal tones, which is in harmony with the desolation described and the sadness expressed. Secondly, in the poem, many oblique words are used, such as “the hamster flees the ancient tile” and “the structure under the cliff”. They are all square and four oblique words. Even the whole sentence is full of oblique words, such as “the situation is pink and black and false”, “the ancient thing is a stone horse”, and five words and five oblique words. This makes poetry sound “unruly”, fast and forceful, creates a passionate voice, and gives people a strange sense of beauty. ▲

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