不言之教 – Chinese philosophy and culture

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bùyánzhījiào 不言之教

Influence Others Without Preaching


Laozi advocated “influencing others without preaching” as part of his philosophy of wuwei (无为) or non-action. In ancient times, rulers issued orders and instructions to shape their subjects’ speech, thoughts and behavior so as to conform to the proprieties. Laozi was against this kind of direct action, believing that instead of imposing their own will on the people, the sovereign should employ non-action and non-preaching methods to preserve and protect the natural state of their subjects. Later, the term came to mean influencing and guiding others by one’s moral conduct.

引例 Citations:



Therefore, the sage deals with worldly affairs through non-action, and influences others without preaching. (Laozi)



Few can truly teach others without preaching, and do good through non-action.(Laozi)

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