思无邪- Chinese philosophy and culture

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sī wú xié 思无邪

No Depraved Thoughts


This refers to a state of mind that is pure and proper with no depraved or evil thoughts. This is a well-known critique made by Confucius on The Book of Songs, a collection of 300 poems. In his opinion, these poems may be summarized as pure and proper in thoughts with no depravity and is in keeping with the beauty of moderation. This concept has always been held in high respect among scholars over the years because of the important position in history enjoyed by both Confucius and The Book of Songs. It is often used to judge and critique writers and writings, although some of the poems in The Book of Songs are not fully up to the standard of “no depraved thoughts” due to their unbridled feelings and candidness.

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Confucius said: “One phrase can sum up the 300 poems in The Book of Songs, namely, no depraved thoughts.” (The Analects)

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