无为 – Chinese philosophy and culture

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wúwéi 无为



Wuwei (non-action) refers to a state of action. Daoism contrasts “action” to “non-action.” “Action” generally means that the rulers impose their will on others or the world without showing any respect for or following the intrinsic nature of things. “Non-action” is the opposite of “action,” and has three main points: 1) through self-control containing the desire to interfere; 2) following the nature of all things and the people; and 3) bringing into play the initiative of all things and people. “Non-action” does not mean not doing anything, but is a wiser way of doing things. Non-action leads to the result of getting everything done.

引例 Citations:



Sages deal with things through non-action and teach ordinary people through non-speech. (Laozi)



Dao always makes all things possible through non-interference with them. (Laozi)

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