qíwù 齐物
Seeing Things as Equal
This refers to a worldview or lifestyle that seeks to reconcile differences and contradictions among things. In “On Seeing things as equal”, Zhuangzi analyzes the unpredictable nature of the world to reveal that different or opposing things are inherently interconnected. In striving to understand the world, one should therefore first of all identify the interconnectedness among all things in the world, see all as equal, and abandon personal preferences, likes and dislikes. In this way, one’s heart can be above all material things and free from their constraints and influences, and the differences and contradictions among things will no longer burden one’s mind or one’s life.
引例 Citation:
Hence if we can see all things as equal, there will be no flaws brought about by our personal preferences. (Guo Xiang: Annotations on Zhuangzi)