一言兴邦 – Chinese philosophy and culture

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yīyán-xīngbāng 一言兴邦

A Single Remark Makes a Country Prosper.


A single remark can help a country thrive. As governance is a highly complex undertaking, it is impossible to make a country prosperous simply by following an idea expressed in a single remark. However, if a ruler thoroughly understands how difficult it is to run a country and exercises governance with prudence and dedication, it is quite possible for him to make his country prosper. In this sense, the effect of such concept, which can almost be likened as a single remark, will make a country flourish.

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Duke Ding of the State of Lu asked: “Is there a single remark that can make a country thrive?” Confucius replied: “No single remark can be expected to perform such a deed. There is a saying: ‘It is not easy to be a ruler, nor is it easy to be a court official.’ However, a ruler who truly understands how hard it is to govern a country will have a vision, which is almost like a single remark, and that will make his country prosper.” (The Analects)

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