厚积薄发 – Chinese philosophy and culture

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hòujī-bófā 厚积薄发

Build Up Fully and Release Sparingly


The term means to accumulate as much as possible but to release a little at a time. This often refers to the process of scholarly research or artistic creation, in which one should first extensively absorb the knowledge and results of others to acquire a wealth of knowledge and lay a solid foundation. On this basis, one is engaged in further scholarly studies or artistic creation, attempting to make new accomplishments. It can also refer to a country or a business which, after a long period of building up its strength, begins to gradually unleash its potential and ability to innovate and proceed to break new ground. The message of this expression is that one should never seek quick results; rather, one should pay attention to accumulating knowledge and making full preparations before making advances.

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Read widely and absorb the best from the books you read; acquire deep learning and share it gradually – that is all I can tell you. (Su Shi: An Allegory for Zhang Hu on Growing Crops)

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