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  “危楼高百尺,手可摘星辰。”这两句是写山寺之高。第一句正面描绘寺楼的峻峭挺拔、高耸入云。发端一个“ 危 ”字,倍显突兀醒目,与“高”字在同句中的巧妙组合,就确切、生动、形象地将山寺屹立山巅、雄视寰宇的非凡气势淋漓尽致地描摹了出来。次句以极其夸张的技法来烘托山寺之高耸云霄。字字将读者的审美视线引向星汉灿烂的夜空,非但没有“高处不胜寒”的感慨,反给人旷阔感,以星夜的美丽引起人们对高耸入云的“危楼”的向往。






This is a short poem about travel. The content of the poem records Li Bai’s interesting experience in the temple at night. There is not a single obscure word in the whole poem. From the beginning to the end, with the “exaggeration” technique, the poem vividly and vividly depicts the extraordinary height of the mountain temple and the wonder of the starry night.
“The dangerous building is a hundred feet high, and the stars can be picked by hand.” These two sentences are about the height of the mountain temple. The first sentence depicts the front of the temple building, which is tall and straight. The beginning of the word “danger” is striking, and the clever combination of the word “high” in the same sentence accurately, vividly and vividly depicts the extraordinary momentum of the mountain temple standing on the top of the mountain and looking at the world. The second sentence sets off the towering clouds of the mountain temple with extremely exaggerated techniques. The words lead the readers’ aesthetic vision to the brilliant night sky of Xinghan. Instead of feeling that it is too cold at high places, they give people a sense of vastness. The beauty of the starry night arouses people’s yearning for the towering “dangerous buildings”.
“I dare not speak loudly for fear of scaring people in the sky.” Two sentences, “dare not”, describe the author’s psychological state when he faced the “dangerous building” at night. From the poet’s “dare not” and deep “fear” psychology, the reader can fully imagine the close distance between “mountain temple” and “heaven people”. In this way, the height of the mountain temple is self-evident.
The poet used exaggerated artistic techniques to describe the towering of the mountain temple, giving people rich associations. The building on the mountain seems to be a hundred feet high. The poet can pick up the stars in the sky by hand when standing on the top of the building. I dare not speak loudly here for fear of disturbing the immortals in the sky.
The language of this poem is natural and simple, but the image is realistic. There are no obscure words in the whole poem, but the words are amazing, which can be called the peerless masterpiece of “plain words see strange”. With the help of bold imagination, the poet exaggerates the extraordinary height of the mountain temple, and depicts the towering of the mountain temple and the fear at night very realistically, so as to show an almost unimaginable grand building in front of the readers, giving people a sense of immersive experience. Picking stars and startling people are childish ideas, which are easily picked up by the poet and used in the poem. It makes people feel full of interest, and it is wonderful to return to nature.
Li Bai’s poetic style is bold and unconstrained, with rich imagination, natural and euphemistic language, rich in change and harmony and unity, and rich in romanticism. With only a few strokes, this poem vividly shows the pleasure, boldness, loveliness and frankness of people on high places. ▲

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