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The whole poem is implicit and profound, with unique twists and turns, originality and thought-provoking. This farewell poem does not describe the reluctance to leave the pavilion, but it goes further and hopes to reunite after leaving. This is beyond the ordinary farewell poems. At the beginning, the scene of seeing off was hidden, and the words “send off” were written. Then, the feeling of loneliness at home after leaving was thicker and thicker, which paved the way for the question of looking forward to his coming again. So I thought that the spring grass would be green again, but it was hard to decide whether to leave and return. The feeling of parting is beyond words. The idea is intended, but the taste is beyond the taste. It’s really a different kind of craftsmanship.
The first sentence of the poem, “Farewell in the mountains”, tells the readers at the beginning that it is time to send them off. The farewell scenes and feelings are described with a seemingly emotionless word, “Farewell”. Here, it took a while from sending off to sending off. The next sentence, seeing off passers-by in the daytime, suddenly wrote, “At dusk, the firewood leaves are covered”, and then jumped for a longer time. When the poet introduced his life into the poem, he cut off what he felt and thought during this period of time, and treated it as a dark field.
Those who have experience of parting know that the moment when pedestrians are going to leave is indeed a sad moment, but a sense of loneliness and loss often become thicker and denser in the sunset of the day after departure. In this time when the sorrow of parting is the most difficult to be relieved, the things to be written must be in a myriad of threads; However, the poem only wrote an act of “covering the door of firewood”. This is an extremely common thing that mountain residents do every day at dusk. It seems that it has nothing to do with seeing off in the daytime. But the poet connected the two unrelated things together, so that the action that was repeated every day showed a different meaning from the past, which implied parting feelings between lines and sorrow of parting in words. Readers will see the loneliness and sense of loss in the poem; At the same time, I would also like to think: it is dark night that follows the sunset. How can I spend the long night after the firewood gate is closed? The blank left behind by this sentence makes people imagine infinitely.
“The spring grass will be green next year, and Wang Sun will not return” is derived from the sentence in “Songs of Chu – Recruiting Hermits” that “Wang Sun will not return when he travels, and the spring grass will grow luxuriantly”. But Fu sighed that the wanderer would not return because he had gone away for a long time. These two lines were afraid that he would not return on the day when he broke up with pedestrians. Tang Ruxun summarized the content of this poem in Tang Shi Jie as follows: “The gate is hidden in the twilight, and people’s separation is deep; sometimes the grass is green, and pedestrians cannot return.” And the “difficult to return” is one of the reasons for the “deep side of separation”. “Whether to return or not”, as a question, should be put forward to pedestrians at the time of departure, but here it comes to people’s mind when pedestrians have gone and the door is closed at dusk, becoming a suspense with no exit. In this way, what I wrote was not the usual words to say at the time of farewell, but the expression of deep feelings after “farewell”, which showed that the poet was still covered with separation until dusk. Although he had just parted, he hoped that he would return as soon as possible, but was afraid that he would not return for a long time. As I said before, from sending off to sending off, and from “sending off” to “covering firewood”, there were two periods of time between them; Here, at the end of the day when I saw you off, I thought of the spring grass in the coming year, and asked if I would return at that time. This is a jump from the present to the future, and the jump will take longer.
Wang Wei is good at picking up seemingly ordinary materials from life and using simple and natural language to show deep and sincere feelings. This poem “Farewell in the Mountain” is like this. ▲

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