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HomeModern Chinese EssaysHuang Yaomian's Essay: Random Thoughts(Excerpt) -- modern chinese literature 黄药眠《杂感集(节录)》

Huang Yaomian’s Essay: Random Thoughts(Excerpt) — modern chinese literature 黄药眠《杂感集(节录)》

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◎ 黄药眠
















时间到哪里去了呢?有些人的时间是遗失在拈花弄草的游戏[5]中,有些人是遗失在消散的闲谈和香烟的迷雾中。这些人不知道浪费时间,就等于浪费生命。 有些人,我认识他很久,但始终陌生[6];有些人,我同他很熟,但始终没有成为朋友;有些人,我同他做了很久的朋友,但后来才发现彼此还没有真正的认识。




不成熟的东西也有值得称赞的地方,因为它虽幼稚,但包含有未来。 在交响乐队里工作的人们,绝不会因为轮到别人在弹奏而感到自己受到冷遇[9]。






不要光看到挺拔遒劲的松树的枝杈,更重要的是要看到它插入泥土深处的根系啊! 拉着牛尾巴不能使它向后退,揪着牛耳朵也不能使它向前进。



[1]“但怎能同刚出来的磅礴的晨曦争胜呢”是反问句,又称修辞性问句(rhetorical question),其作用是加强语气,英译时可改用肯定句表达:… can never outshine the majestic rising sun,其中“争胜”也可用outdo,compare with等表达,但均不如outshine可取,因它除了表示“胜过”,还同时表示“比……更亮”。

[2]“爱夸耀过去成绩的人”译为He who is given to bragging about his past achievements,其中is given to的意思是“爱好……”、“有……习惯的”。

[3]“也许会在衣香鬓影的欢乐的华筵中欢笑掉”译为may be lost amidst gay laughter at a joyous grand banquet graced by gorgeously dressed women,其中to grace作“使……增色”(to make … more attractive)解,是译文中的增益成分。“衣香鬓影”可按“衣着艳丽的女人”译为gorgeously dressed women或richly attired women。

[4]“没有任何别的要求和欲望”译为have no wants,其中wants是名词,作“渴望”、“需求”等解,比按字面直译为demands and desires干净利落。

[5]“拈花弄草的游戏”可按“沉湎于女色”或“玩弄女性”之意译为playing a game of womanizing或indulging in womanizing。

[6]“但始终陌生”可按“但仍然陌生”译为are strangers yet,其中yet作“仍然”、“还是”等解。

[7]“一下子就认出他是同志”译为are immediately found to be real comrades,其中real是译者的增添词,原文虽无其词而有其意。

[8]“锤子在后面不断督促”可不必逐字直译,现译为repeated hammering from behind,其中hammering兼有“锤子”和“督促”之意。

[9]“感到自己受到冷遇”可译为feel left out in the cold,feel cold shouldered,feel they are given a cold reception等,意思大致相同。

[10]“老头儿不要靠过去的老本”可译为Old people should not rest on their laurels或Old people should not live off their past achievements等。

Random Thoughts(Excerpt)

◎ Huang Yaomian

Predawn lamplight, bright as it is, can never outshine the majestic rising sun.

Diamond glitters but gives off no heat.

He who is given to bragging about his past achievements must have lost interest in his own future.

Firewood, while burning, never regrets having itself reduced to ashes.

More thinking beforehand, less after-the-event remorse.

A prejudiced mind keeps the voice of truth from entering the ear.

Modesty will win warm support; boastfulness will be cold shouldered.

A top makes no headway no matter how hard it spins. The honor you have gained by going through fire and water may be lost amidst gay laughter at a joyous grand banquet graced by gorgeously dressed women.

Can that which is lost in the midst of the gay laughter be regained by tears of regret?

Few promises and more contributions, rather than more promises and few contributions.

You are simple because you have no wants apart from dedicating your life to the welfare of the proletariat and the working people. You are complicated because you can defeat your enemy by seeing through one by one his plots, threats, lures and sex-traps.

Running away will inevitably result in the pursuit and attack of the enemy; it is disgraceful to be hit in the back by a bullet.

Showing jealousy of other people’s abilities is clear proof of your own incompetence.

Ripples on a basin of water mean nothing at all to man, but are like wild waves over a boundless sea to ants.

Where is time gone? Some fool away their time in playing a game of womanizing; some trifle away their time in chit-chat amidst cigarette smoke. They don’t know that wasting time means wasting life. Some whom I have known for a long time are strangers yet. Some with whom I am well acquainted have never become friends with me. Some have been friends of mine for a long time, but we still don’t really know each other.

Some, nevertheless, are immediately found to be real comrades though we meet for the first time.

Centipedes, snakes and scorpions are venomous, but, when properly used, they cure disease by combating poison with poison, don’t they?

A nail will never be driven into a wall without repeated hammering from behind.

Things immature also have aspects worthy of our praise, because, though puerile, they embody the future. Members of a symphony orchestra never feel left out in the cold when it is others’ turn to play their musical instruments.

It is because a symphony orchestra is a whole.

A selfless man always thinks of handing out more happiness to others.

Old people should not rest on their laurels, nor should young people enjoy in advance their future happiness.

You often bother about how much you are getting from the people. Why not figure out how much you owe them?

I hate to be a calm lake which is limpid and shallow and indulge in admiring myself for being so clean. I would rather follow the mighty torrent and surge eastward along with mud, sand and rocks until I reach the sea.

Behold not only the straight and sturdy branches of a pine tree, but, more importantly, its roots deep in the soil. You cannot make a cow move backward by pulling it by the tail, nor can you make it move forward by dragging it by the ear.

A cow is to be led by the nose.

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