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  从结构上看,这首诗短短五十字,构思精巧,结构严密,抒情写意,回环起伏。开头以橘起,最后以橘结,前呼后应,且深化主题。尤其是最后出人意料的设问,震人心弦,增添了诗的艺术魅力. 张九龄诗歌语言生动、比喻贴切,毫无矫揉造作、雕琢晦涩之病。刘熙载在《艺概》中,称张九龄的诗歌“独能超出一格,为李、杜开先”。这一评价是非常恰当的。刘禹锡说九龄“自内职牧始安(今桂林),有瘴疠之叹;自退相守荆户,有拘囚之思。托讽禽鸟,寄词草树,郁然与骚人同风。”就是指这类《感遇诗》。▲


In the first two sentences of the poem, the poet, with full enthusiasm, praised that the orange trees could stand the test of winter, and drew a beautiful picture of orange forests in the south of the Yangtze River, forming a beautiful artistic realm. The orange tree is the top grade among fruit trees, and can withstand the harsh winter wind and frost. It is evergreen all the year round. Therefore, the poet’s self metaphor of red oranges has profound implications. This is the poet’s use of the orange tree as a metaphor for his personality of “not moving under orders” and “not flowing horizontally”. Here, the poet not only wrote about the appearance of the orange tree, but also carefully expressed its indomitable spirit, achieving the organic combination of form and spirit. At the same time, what is presented to readers is not an orange tree, but an orange forest. The poet is describing “group images” including himself. This makes the artistic conception of the poem more far-reaching and open, and the image more tall and vivid.
3、 Write four or two sentences about the characteristics of the orange tree. The poet told the reader that the orange trees are green in winter, not because of the warm climate in the south of the Yangtze River, but because of their hardy nature. Here, the poet adopts the form of question and answer, which is natural and strange, and the answer is particularly interesting. He simply summarizes the characteristics of the orange tree itself. The poet skillfully pointed out the cold resistant nature of the orange tree on the one hand, and used it as a metaphor for the poet’s noble virtue. This is to use the nature of the orange tree to write the beauty of the poet’s soul. It is not only the self portrait of the hero in the poem, but also the portrayal of the moral character of thousands of honest intellectuals at that time. Thus, the theme of the poem is further deepened.
The following six sentences are narrative and lyrical. 5、 The six sentences are: These sweet tangerines could have been sent to a distant place to present to the distinguished guests, but the mountains overlap and the passage is blocked. The implication is that he could have recommended the sage to the imperial court, but the road was blocked. These two sentences are a metaphor of heaven, and show no trace. The poet borrowed the scene in front of him, through rich imagination, to show the valuable quality of a loyal and patriotic intellectual in the feudal society, who was still unwilling to sink when he was demoted and still concerned about the future and destiny of the country. 7、 Eight two sentences are the judgment that the poet draws from his emotion: the fate is good or bad only because of different experiences; And this is like the law of nature that goes round and round, and the truth is really elusive. This is an exclamation made by the poet according to his own experience. The last two sentences are closely related to “fortune”. The poet cried out: Don’t just talk about planting peaches and plums. Can’t orange trees provide shade for people? It is clear that the poet is complaining for the orange tree, but also for the sage. That is to say, the sages are capable and can’t be inferior to Li Linfu and others. These two sentences are a harsh rebuke to the imperial court for accepting slander, ignoring evil and right, and are also the main thrust of the whole poem. Because the poet has profound insight and high artistic generalization, these two comments are very friendly, natural, profound and powerful, which greatly increases the connotation of the poem. Here, metaphor is used to attack the current problems, which can be thought-provoking and enlightening.
In terms of structure, this poem is only fifty words long, with exquisite conception, tight structure, lyrical freehand brushwork and looping ups and downs. Start with an orange and end with an orange knot, echoing each other and deepening the theme. In particular, the last unexpected question shocked people and added the artistic charm of poetry The language of Zhang Jiuling’s poems is vivid and the metaphor is appropriate. There is no such thing as affectation or obscurity. Liu Xizai called Zhang Jiuling’s poems “Li and Du Kaixian” in his “Yi Gai”. This evaluation is very appropriate. Liu Yuxi said that Jiuling “started to live in peace (Guilin today) when he worked as a herdsman. There was a sigh of miasma; when he retired and stayed in Jinghu, he thought of being imprisoned. He mocked birds and wrote poems about grass and trees, and was still in the same mood with poets.” It refers to this kind of Feeling Poems. ▲

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