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  这首《哥舒歌》可能是经过修改加工后的作品,但是它那种朴实和巧妙、明朗和含蓄相统一的风格,依然显示出民歌的特色。 ▲


This is an ode to Ge Shuhan, a famous general of the Tang Dynasty, by the northwest frontier people of the Tang Dynasty. In terms of content, this poem eulogizes Ge Shuhan’s resistance to Tubo’s invasion and stability of the frontier; At the same time, it also conveys the people’s ideals and aspirations for peace and stability through this image. “The Big Dipper is seven stars high, and Ge Shuye wears a knife”. The first sentence is to cheer up. The poet uses the Big Dipper hanging in the sky to express the admiration of the people in the border areas for Ge Shuhan. “Up to now, I have watched the horses, but I dare not cross Lintao.” As far as the implication is concerned, horse herding means all the activities of harassment. Since being resisted by Ge Shuhan, Tubo never dared to harass Lintao.
This poem is entitled “Ge Shu Song”. The reason why Ge Shu is worth singing is that he defends the border against the enemy and protects the country for the people. However, the author does not directly express how brave he is, how resourceful he is and how he uses his troops like a god from the fierce battle, but highlights the theme by means of side description. The first sentence of the poem plays up Ge Shuhan’s prestige in the hearts of the people. Why did the people praise and why did the Tubo fear; In the past, Tubo drove straight in, but now why do they “dare not cross Lintao”? This is to promote the outstanding martial arts of Ge Shuhan. It can be seen that such description is very enlightening. “Ge Shuye wears a knife”, which is a very particular word. It skillfully connects the first sentence and the second sentence of the uprising, and integrates praise and respect into the characters; At the same time, it depicts the tense atmosphere in the border area and the vigilance of the characters. The five words “Ge Shuye with a knife” are clean and neat, which seems to be a striking portrait. In that concise, powerful and characteristic image, there is a kind of heroic spirit, which gives people confidence that they can win in war, and gives the Tubo a deterrent of “keeping their feet close”. Therefore, as far as the theme of reflecting the inner world of the characters and expressing poems is concerned, “Ge Shuye with a knife” is richer, more vivid, and more able to induce people’s imagination than the image of rushing into battle.
This song “Ge Shu Ge” may be a modified work, but its simple and ingenious, clear and implicit style still shows the characteristics of folk songs. ▲

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