比而不党 – Chinese philosophy and culture

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bǐ’érbùdǎng 比而不党

Be Close but Not Cliquish


This expression means forming ties among people based on a common just cause and not forming ties for selfish purposes. Bi (比), meaning to be “close,” implies affinity or attachment. Here it describes a group brought together by a common just cause. Dang (党), referring to “cliquish,” implies bias and factionalism. Here it describes a group brought together by personal ties and selfish interests. The former acts out of selflessness and is constructive which is something that has been praised by upright men through the ages; the latter uses power for selfish gain, which has been castigated by upright men through the ages.

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I hear that one who serves a sovereign ruler must form ties with others based on a just cause and not on selfish interests. To recommend upright men out of loyalty to the country is forming ties for a just cause; to recommend people out of selfish interests is forming a clique. … How can I possibly run the government if I form cliques while serving my sovereign ruler? (Discourses on Governance of the States)

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