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星期三, 12 2 月, 2025
HomeTang Poetry and Chinese Calligraphy沙曼翁 篆书:刘禹锡《金陵五题·江令宅》

沙曼翁 篆书:刘禹锡《金陵五题·江令宅》

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沙曼翁 篆书:刘禹锡《金陵五题·江令宅》



【注释】江令:指南朝陈的亡国宰相江总。他出身高门,早年即以文学才能被梁武帝赏识,官至太常卿。侯景之乱后,他避难会稽,又转到广州,至陈文帝天嘉四年( 563年)才被征召回建康(南京),任中书侍郎。陈后主时,官至尚书令,“总当权宰,不持政务,但日与后主游宴后庭”,“由是国政日颓,纲纪不立”(《陈书·江总传》)。隋文帝开皇九年( 589年)灭陈,江总入隋为官,后放回江南,去世于江都(今江苏扬州)。“南朝词臣北朝客”就是对他这段人生经历的概括。江总是陈朝后宫“狎客”,宫体艳诗的代表诗人之一,在历史上声名不佳。



【Simple Translation】

  This poem is about Liu Yuxi’s visit to the Jiangling House, pointing out the reason for the downfall of the Southern Dynasty, which was “the confusion and misunderstanding of the lord by the apathetic lyricists”, and firstly, he puts himself in Jiang’s shoes and writes about the desolate scene he saw when he returned from the Northern Dynasty: the Qinhuai River is no longer full of songs and lights, but only the turquoise water flowing quietly. When Liu Yuxi arrives at Jiangling House, the place where Jiang spent the rest of his life in gloom, he sees that the pond platform is still the same and the bamboo trees are three acres.

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