邹德忠 隶书:杜甫《曲江二首》(其二)
“穿花”一联写江头景。叶梦得曾评道:“诗语固忌用巧太过,然缘情体物,自有天然工妙,虽巧而不见刻削之痕。老杜..‘穿花蛱蝶深深见,点水蜻蜓款款飞’:‘深深’字若无‘穿’字,‘款款’字若无‘点’字,皆无以见其精微如此。然读之浑然,全似未尝用力,此所以不碍其气格超胜。使晚唐诸子为之,便当如‘鱼跃练波抛玉尺,莺穿丝柳织金梭’体矣。”(《石林诗话》卷下)这一联“体物”有天然之妙,但不仅妙在“体物”,还妙在“缘情”。“七十古来稀”, 人生如此短促,而“一片花飞减却春,风飘万点正愁人”,大好春光,又即将消逝。诗人正是满怀惜春之情观赏江头景物的。“穿花蛱蝶深深见,点水蜻蜓款款飞”,这样恬静、这样自由、这样美好的境界,还能存在多久呢?于是诗人“且尽芳樽恋物华”,写出了这样的结句:
【Simple Translation】
Qujiang River, also known as Qujiang Pond, was originally built by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty at a location five kilometers south of present-day Xi’an. Tang Xuanzong Kaiyuan years greatly renovated. In the south, there are Zi Yun Lou and Furong Yuan; in the west, there are Apricot Garden and Ci’en Temple. It is a famous tourist attraction.
This is a “joint poem”, and the first and second poems are intrinsically related to each other.
In the second poem, the poem follows “Why do you use the floating glory to trip up this body”.
The first four stanzas flow in a single stream, but with a fine thread. The first four lines of the poem are a flowing, yet finely tuned, “I am not in a state of embarrassment and desperation,” but rather “I return to the river drunk every day”.
Then the poet pushes one more level: “Wine debts are commonplace.” The “ordinary places” include Qujiang River, but are not limited to it. If you go to Qujiang, you can get drunk at Qujiang; if you go to other places, you can get drunk at other places.
Therefore, to buy wine only by relying on spring clothes is like a drop in the bucket, so from buying to credit, and even “ordinary places”, all have “wine debts”. What is the reason for paying such a high price in order to get drunk?
The poet finally answered: “Life is rare at seventy years old.” This means that life is too short to live, and since we cannot do what we want to do, we should “not think about the endless things outside of our bodies, and finish the limited cups before we live”! It is easy to understand the meaning of the poem in relation to the whole poem and Du Fu’s personality.
The line “Wearing flowers” is about the scene at the head of the river. The old Du… The word ‘deep’ without the word ‘wear’, ‘paragraph’ without the word ‘point’ Without the word ‘point’, there is no way to see its subtlety. However, it is read in a comprehensive manner, as if no effort has been made. So that the late Tang sons for it, it will be like ‘fish leap practice wave throwing jade ruler, warbler through the silk willow weaving gold shuttle’ body carry on.” (Shihlin Poetic Discourse, vol. 2) This couplet is naturally wonderful, but not only in the “physical” sense, but also in the “emotional” sense. “Life is so short, and “a piece of flower flies, but the spring, the wind drifts ten thousand points, is worrying people”, the good spring is about to pass away. The poet is full of regret for the spring scenery at the head of the river. The poet is full of regret for the spring scenery. “Nymphs in flowers are deeply seen, dragonflies in water are flying”, how long can such a tranquil, free and beautiful realm exist? The poet then wrote the following concluding lines: “And the bottle of fragrance is full of love for things”:
”The poet said that the scenery is flowing together, and that we should not be separated from each other for the time being.”
”Passing on” means “sending words”, and the object is “scenery”. The “scenery” here is the bright spring light.
The poet looks at things with emotion, and all things have emotion:
”Lovely scenery, let me enjoy it with the nymphs that wear flowers and the dragonflies that dot the water, even if only for a while.
Qiu’s note quotes Zhang cap: “The two poems were written in the twilight of spring because of the feeling of being unmotivated.”
The general characteristic of these two poems is that they are “containing animals”, that is, they have “divine rhythm”. The poems “A piece of flower flies” and “The wind drifts ten thousand points” are not detailed scenes. However, “a piece of flowers flying” is the most adequate to show the spring decline; “wind drifting ten thousand points” is also the most adequate to show the spring twilight. All the scenery related to spring reduction and spring twilight can be associated from “a piece of flowers flying” and “wind drifting ten thousand points”. The couplet “through the flowers” can be described as detailed; however, the work is not visible, and the details are not exhaustive.
In terms of lyricism, “why use the floating glory to trip this body”, “back to the day to day canonical spring clothes, ……”, its “Shi can not aspire The “I am not ambitious” is vaguely visible. But how and why are not ambitious, but not explicitly, but only through the description of the twilight of spring scenery to express the feelings of cherishing spring, pay attention to; and cherish spring, stay in the spring of the way of expression, but also just drinking wine, just enjoying the flowers and playing scenery, just in time for fun.
The main character in the poem, “returning drunk from the head of the river day after day”, has witnessed and felt the whole process of spring diminishing and spring twilight from “a piece of flower flying” to “the wind floating ten thousand points”, and also The “words of the scenery flowing together, temporarily appreciate each other not to disobey”, really can be said to be happy! However, if you taste carefully, you will find that there is meaning beyond the words, taste beyond the taste, sound beyond the strings, scenery beyond the scenery, and emotion beyond the emotion, and that “the measurement is deeper and deeper, and the investigation is better”, which truly reflects the artistic characteristic of “God is outside the image”.