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1How much does it cost to study abroad in China?

The cost of studying abroad in China depends on whether you enroll through your university, with a third-party provider, or directly with a Chinese university. A semesterlong study abroad program through a U.S. college could cost around $16,000, including room and board.

Enrolling directly in a Chinese university is generally less expensive. In addition, the cost of living in China is 41% lower than that in the United States.

2Where should I study abroad in China?

Two very popular cities to study abroad in China are Beijing and Shanghai. The center of China’s political and cultural life, Beijing is steeped in history, with old buildings, temples, and famous sites like the Forbidden City and the Great Wall.

Shanghai, lovingly referred to by many as “the Paris of the East,” touts a more international vibe, often bringing more social comfort to study abroad students.

3What are the requirements to study abroad in China?

American students who want to study abroad in China will need a valid U.S. passport and the appropriate visa from the Chinese consulate. If enrolling directly with a Chinese university, most undergraduate programs also require you to pass a Chinese language proficiency test called the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi. However, some Chinese universities have study abroad programs catered to English-speaking students.

Edited by Lorraine Mumby

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