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This is a poem in praise of chaste women and martyrs. This poem is based on the wishes of men and describes the sentiments of martyrs. Wutong trees are dependent on each other to maintain their old age, and mandarin ducks and birds live and die together. In the old days, a chaste and martyr woman died and never married, and died and died. Observance of chastity shows one’s ambition, and martyrdom shows one’s loyalty. Conclude the sentence: “The waves can’t stand it, I have an old well of water in my heart”. I am chaste and resolute, and I am very alert. The idiom “heart is like an ancient well” comes from this. The famous line of Liu Yuxi’s Bamboo Branch Ci: “The people who hate the people are not as good as the water From here on out. The Martyrs’ Day is a time of loyalty and loyalty; However, he is harsh and stubborn. He deserves to die with his youth. He cannot help but fear his heart. Reading it makes people feel pity. According to the test, women’s chastity was not valued at that time. The poet may have other sustenance, because of the chant of a martyr, to express his ambition, integrity and integrity.

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