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HomeChina WikiWhite Boiled Shrimp 白灼虾- Chinese Food

White Boiled Shrimp 白灼虾- Chinese Food

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Chinese Name: 白灼虾

English Name: White Boiled Shrimp; Scalded Prawns; Boiled Shrimp

Category: Cantonese Cuisine粤菜

Main Ingredients: Shrimp

Scalded Prawns
Scalded Prawns

White Boiled Shrimp白灼虾 is a traditional and famous Cantonese dish粤菜. Cantonese cuisine is one of the eight traditional Chinese cuisines. Cantonese cuisine has a wide range of materials and exquisite ingredients. It is good at innovation in imitation and cooking according to the preferences of diners.

White Boiled Shrimp
White Boiled Shrimp

The main ingredient of White Boiled Shrimp is Jiwei shrimp基围虾, and the main cooking technology is white boiling. “White boiling” refers to putting the original fresh shrimp directly into clean water to cook.

Guangzhou people like to use the method of blanching to make shrimp. This purpose is to keep its fresh, sweet and tender flavor, and then peel the shrimp and dip it in the sauce.

Boiled Prawns with delicate shapes
Boiled Prawns with delicate shapes

Scalded Shrimp is rich in nutrition and magnesium. Magnesium plays an important role in regulating heart activity and can well protect the cardiovascular system. Moreover, its meat is soft and easy to digest. It is a portion of good food for people who are weak and need to take care of after illness.

Neatly placed shrimp
Neatly placed shrimp

It should be noted that shrimp should not be eaten with some fruits. Because shrimp is rich in protein, calcium and other nutrients. If they are eaten together with fruits containing tannic acid, such as grapes, pomegranates and hawthorn, it will not only reduce the nutritional value of protein, but also form an insoluble combination of tannic acid and calcium ions, stimulate the intestines and stomach, and cause discomfort, vomiting, dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms. Seafood should be eaten with these fruits at least 2 hours apart.

How to make White Boiled Shrimp?


  • 250g shrimp
  • 5g salad oil
  • 1g salt
  • 15g garlic
  • 60ml soy sauce
  • 2g white granulated sugar
  • 2g green Chinese onion
  • 15g ginger
Ingredients of White Boiled Shrimp
Ingredients of White Boiled Shrimp


  • Step 1, After the fresh shrimps are bought back, they are kept in clean water for 30-60 minutes.
  • Step 2, Cut off the shrimp whiskers and sharp front thorns, wash them with flowing water for several times, drain the water and set aside.
  • Step 3, The seasoning for removing the fishy smell when it is scalded: Baijiu白酒, ginger and scallion white葱白.
  • Step 4, The ginger in the above step is cut into thin slices, and the scallion is cut into sections.
  • Step 5, Add half a pot of water in the pot and pour in ginger slices and scallion.
  • Step 6, Pour a little baijiu.
  • Step 7, Add the lid and bring the water to a boil.
  • Step 8, When the water boils, pour in the shrimp and stir slightly with chopsticks to heat the shrimp evenly.
  • Step 9, Boil the water in the pot again and cook for about half a minute (the time can be adjusted according to the number of shrimp).
  • Step 10, Pick up the shrimp with a leaky spoon.
  • Step 11, Put the shrimp into cold boiled water to cool and keep the meat quality of shrimp unchanged (ice water can be used in summer for better effect).
  • Step 12, Pick up the drained water with a leaky spoon again, and then load it into a dish.
  • Step 13, Materials needed for garlic ginger sauce: oil, soy sauce, garlic seeds, ginger, salt and sugar.
  • Step 14, Cut garlic and ginger into minced garlic and shredded ginger respectively.
  • Step 15, Pour a little oil into the pot, heat it over low heat, then pour in minced garlic and shredded ginger and stir fry.
  • Step 16, Add salt and sugar, mix well and pour out the soy sauce. Heat until sugar and salt dissolve, then turn off the fire.
  • Step 17, Fill a small bowl with ginger and garlic juice, and then dip the boiled shrimp.
Delicious white seared shrimp that can be eaten
Delicious white seared shrimp that can be eaten


  • If you want to make this shrimp delicious and sweet, you must buy live shrimp and cook it as soon as possible. If you use frozen shrimp or shrimp that has died for a long time, the taste will be much worse.
  • The cooking time is about 3 minutes. It also depends on the size of the shrimp. It can be adjusted according to the shrimp. As long as the shrimp turns red and bends, it will be OK. If it takes too long, the shrimp meat is easy to become firewood, which will also affect the taste. Remember to use a low fire throughout the whole process.
  • When making this shrimp, we should pay attention to the original juice and flavor, so the simpler the seasoning is, the better. What we eat is the delicious food itself. When cooking, the shrimp already has salinity, so it’s OK not to put seasoning. If we make a dipping dish, don’t put too much seasoning, so as not to destroy the delicious taste of shrimp.

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