To attain to the sovereignty of the world, there are three important things necessary; they may perhaps he summed up in one: blamelessness of life.
However excellent a system of moral truths appealing to supernatural authority may be, it is not verifiable by experience; what is not verifiable by experience, cannot command credence; and what cannot command credence, the people will never obey. However excellent a system of moral truths appealing merely to worldly authority may be, it does not command respect; what does not command respect, cannot command credence; and what cannot command credence, the people will never obey.
Therefore every system of moral laws must be based upon the man’s own consciousness. It must be verified by the common experience of men. Examined into by comparing it with the teachings of acknowledged great and wise men of the past, there must be no divergence. Applying it to the operations and processes of nature in the physical universe, there must be no contradiction. Confronted with the spiritual powers of the universe a man must be able to maintain it without any doubt. He must be prepared to wait, a hundred generations after him, for the coming of a man of perfect divine nature to confirm it without any misgiving. The fact that he is able to confront the spiritual powers of the universe without any doubt, shows that he understands the will of God. The fact that he is prepared to wait, a hundred generations after him, for the man of perfect divine nature without any misgiving, shows that he understands the nature of man.
Wherefore it is that it is true of the really great moral man that every act of his life becomes an example for generations; every thing he does, becomes a statute for generations; and every word he utters, becomes a law for generations. Those who are far away and do not know him look up to him, while those who are near and know him do not reject him.
In the Book of Songs it is said:
“There they found no fault in him;
Here they ever welcome him;
Thus from day to day and night to night,
They will perpetuate his praise!”
Thus a moral man unless he realises this description of a man, can never obtain at once recognition of his moral qualities throughout the world.