千里之堤,溃于蚁穴 – Chinese philosophy and culture

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qiānlǐzhīdī, kuìyúyǐxué 千里之堤,溃于蚁穴

A Dam of a Thousand Miles Can Collapse Due to an Ant Hole.


This expression from Hanfeizi highlights how a minute hazard is capable of developing into a devastating disaster. Everything evolves from small to large or grows from few to many. If achieving a good result is expected, then all kinds of hidden risks and potential dangers must be detected and prevented as early as possible, no matter how negligible they may be. The saying illustrates by analogy the importance of early prevention.

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Any living object grows invariably from small to large while any massive accumulation must have started small far back in time. Therefore, it can be said that any difficult job must begin from the easy part and any enormous undertaking must originate from a tiny beginning. Hence, to keep good control of things at hand, it is important to start with managing their small details. That is the reason why one should “start planning for a hard job with its easy part and start undertaking a big task bit by bit.” A dam a thousand miles long can collapse by an ant hole and a building a hundred feet tall can be burned to ashes by fire escaping from a chimney crack. (Hanfeizi)



So a building a hundred feet tall can be burned to ashes by fire escaping from a chimney crack and a dam a thousand miles long can collapse because of an ant hole. Ancient people begin to take precautions when dangers are still negligible and try to eliminate them in their nascent stage so as to protect what matters most. (The History of the Jin Dynasty)

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