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  这是一首传诵很广的名作。它之所以受到推崇,主要是写得自然、本 色。岑参这次西行的目的,他自己曾作过这样的说明: “万里奉王事,一身 无所求; 也知塞垣苦,岂为妻子谋。”因 此从道理上讲,他是自愿的,情绪的基调当是昂扬乐观的。只是,理智是一回事,感情又是一回事。当时的安西都护府治所在龟兹, 在通讯、交通都极不方便的唐代,对一个久居内地的读书人来说,要离家数 千里,穿越戈壁沙漠,去到一个完全陌生的地方,岂有不想家的道理?

  此诗首联塑造西行途中的旅人形象:“故园东望路漫漫”,在碰到入京使以后, 作者久久不语,只是默默凝视着东方,思乡的主题一上来便得到有力的揭 示。步步西去,家乡越来越远,“路漫漫”三字不仅指出这种事实,而且很 容易勾起“离恨恰如春草,更行更远还生” (李煜[清平乐])一类的感触 来。首句只叙事,不言情,但情感自生。第二句中的“龙钟”是沾湿的意 思,全句说: 揩眼泪巳经揩湿了双袖,可是脸上的泪水仍旧不干。这种写法 虽有夸张,却极朴素、真切地再现了一个普通人想家想到极点的情态,没有丝 毫的矫揉造作。




This is a masterpiece that has been widely read. The reason why it is respected is that it is written naturally and naturally. The purpose of Cen Shen’s westward journey was that he himself had made such a statement: “To serve the king for thousands of miles, he had nothing to ask for; he also knew that it was hard to stop the walls, but it was not for his wife.” Therefore, in truth, he is voluntary, and his mood should be optimistic. Just, reason is one thing, and emotion is another. In the Tang Dynasty, when communication and transportation were extremely inconvenient, for a scholar who had lived in the mainland for a long time, he had to leave home thousands of miles, cross the Gobi Desert, and go to a completely strange place. How could he not be homesick?
The first couplet of this poem portrays the image of a traveler on the way to the west: “The road to the east is long”. After encountering the envoy to Beijing, the author kept silent for a long time, just stared at the east silently, and the theme of homesickness was effectively revealed once it came up. As we move westward, our hometown is getting farther and farther away. The word “Long Road” not only points out this fact, but also easily evokes the feeling that “leaving hatred is just like spring grass, and walking farther away is still alive” (Li Yu [Qing Pingle]). The first sentence only narrates, does not express emotion, but the emotion is spontaneous. The “Dragon Bell” in the second sentence means to be wet. The whole sentence says: Wipe your tears and wet your sleeves, but the tears on your face are still not dry. Although this writing method is exaggerated, it is very simple and true to reproduce the feeling that an ordinary person misses home and thinks of the extreme, without any affectation.
“There is no paper and pen for meeting at once, and you can report your peace by your words.” These two sentences are about the situation that when you meet an envoy to Beijing, you want to take a book home to report your peace, but you suffer from the lack of paper and pen. They are all the words of the people who meet at once, and they are very vivid. The word “Feng” had a problem. On the way to Anxi, we met our old friends who were envoys to Beijing. They all rode in horses and crossed arms. One went west, the other went east to Chang’an, and his wife was also in Chang’an. It happened that he asked someone to return with a letter from his family, but there was no paper or pen, so he didn’t want to write a letter. So he had to ask someone to take a message, “You can tell me that you are safe.”. This last poem was handled simply and neatly, but the simplicity and neatness contained a deep feeling of the poet, which was very meaningful. Cen Shen’s trip is an ambition of “taking fame only at once”. At this time, his mood is complicated. On the one hand, he has tender feelings for the imperial capital and his hometown, and on the other hand, he also shows the heroic mind of the poet who is eager to make contributions.
This poem is simple and natural in language, full of strong flavor of frontier fortress life. It has both life interest and human interest. It is fresh and bright, with a long aftertaste. It is simple and sincere. Poets are good at abstracting and summarizing what many people think and say with artistic techniques to make it have typical significance. It also shows rich charm in the plain, which can be deeply rooted in people’s hearts and never forget. Cen Shen’s poem has this characteristic. ▲

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