第十三计 打草惊蛇
第十四计 借尸还魂
第十五计 调虎离山
第十六计 欲擒故纵
第十七计 抛砖引玉
第十八计 擒贼擒王
Thirty-six Strategies
Strategy Thirteen Beat the Grass to Frighten the Snake
Ascertain the doubtful; find out about the enemy before taking action. Return and bring the enemy’s secrets to light.
Strategy Fourteen Find Reincarnation in Another’s Corpse
The useful declines to be used, whereas the useless asks to be used. Make use of the useless. It is not I who seek help from the callow youth but the callow youth who seeks help from me.
Strategy Fifteen
Wait for Heaven to encumber the enemy and make plots to allure it. When going leads to obstruction, come back.
Strategy Sixteen Leave at Large, the Better to Capture
Close in upon the [defeated] enemy and it will strike back; let it go and its position will weaken. Follow it closely but do not press too hard. Fritter away its strength and sap its will. After it has scattered, subdue it without staining the swords with blood. Waiting. Sincerity brings glory.
Strategy Seventeen Cast a Brick to Attract Jade
Lure the enemy with counterfeits. Punish the callow youth.
Strategy Eighteen To Catch Bandits, First Catch the Ringleader
Crush the enemy’s main force and capture its chief to disintegrate its body. A dragon compelled to fight on land is faced with an impasse.