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HomeChinese Music and LyricsZuoxiao Zuzhou - 爱情的枪 ~ lyrics + English Translation

Zuoxiao Zuzhou – 爱情的枪 ~ lyrics + English Translation

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Artist: Zuo Xiao Zuzhou (左小祖咒, Zuoxiao Zuzhou) •Featuring artist: Bobby Chen
Song: 爱情的枪 (ài qíng de qiāng) •Album: 庙会之旅II


借我那把枪吧 你说你用不上那玩意去杀谁

借我那把枪吧 或者借我五毛钱

杀了诚实吧 或者杀了爱情吧

杀了真理吧 或者杀了谎言吧

借我那把枪吧 我又没说用不上那玩意
莫非有人给你机会 让你感到自卑

借我那把枪吧 或者借我五毛钱

如果有天我再归来 请不要因为我感到伤悲
燕子会捎来讯息 当春风吹拂着新绿

那里正下着雪 就让我滚热的灵魂在冰霜上撒个野

跟我去北方吧 逃离爱情的肤浅
南方的江山太娇媚 腐蚀了我的热血

杀了诚实吧 或者杀了爱情吧
爱情来的时侯 你就会背叛你的诚实主义

杀了真理吧 或者杀了谎言吧

借我那把枪吧 我又没说用不上那玩意儿
当真理站在谎言的那边 我就解决我自己

借我那把枪吧 或者借我五毛钱
南方的江山太娇媚 容易遮上我的眼

如果有天我再回来 请不要为我感到伤悲
燕子会捎来讯息 当春风吹拂着新绿

Gun of Love

Lend me the gun, you say you don’t need it to kill
Is there someone bored with love?

Lend me the gun, or five jiao1
I wanna take the express train to North, no return

Kill honesty, or shoot the love
Join us when north wind starts blowing

Kill truth, or slay the liar
So that the march could be aloud sung on the wilderness blown by north wind

Lend me the gun, I didn’t say I don’t need it
Has someone given you the chance then made you self-abased?

Lend me the gun, or five jiao1
I’ll go, no return, for I was born to belong to the North

One day if I return, please not wail for me
Swallows will bring you the message when the spring breeze brushes through new leaves
Because I miss you

Go north with me
Where it’s snowy now; Let my fiery soul roll over on frozen land

Go north with me, escape the superficial love
The landscapes of the South are so gorgeous that have dulled my boiling blood

Kill honesty, or shoot the love
When love comes, you’ll betray your creed of honesty

Kill truth, or slay the liar
On no account must you let’em stand on your hostile side

Lend me the gun, I didn’t say I don’t need it
When truth allies with lies, I’ll eliminate myself

Lend me the gun, or five jiao1
The landscapes of the South are so gorgeous that can easily blind me

One day if I return, please not wail for me
Swallows will bring you the message when the spring breeze brushes through new leaves
Because I miss you

1.a. b. c. A monetary unit of China, equal to one tenth of a yuan.

By Isaiah Siegfried Chen

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