周而复 行书:杜甫《漫兴九首》(其五)
这组绝句写在杜甫寓居成都草堂的第二年,即代宗上元二年( 761)。题作“漫兴”,有兴之所到随手写出之意。不求写尽,不求写全,也不是同一时成之。从九首诗的内容看,当为由春至夏相率写出,亦有次第可寻。
【Simple Translation】
This group of stanzas was written in the second year of Du Fu’s residence in Chengdu’s Cao Tang, the second year of Emperor Daizong’s Shang Yuan reign (761). It is entitled “Manxing”, meaning that it was written at the spur of the moment. The poem is not intended to be exhaustive, nor is it intended to be complete, nor was it written at the same time. From the content of the nine poems, it seems that they were written in succession from spring to summer, and there is a sequence to be found.
The scenery around Du Fu’s Cao Tang is very beautiful, and his life there was relatively stable. However, the poet, who has suffered from chaos and separation, has not forgotten that the national tragedy has not yet been removed and that it is difficult to return to his homeland; despite the cluster of flowers in front of him, the sorrow of home and country still haunts him at all times. The poem is meant to be an expression of emotion, not a criticism of women’s style, but because the imagery used in two lines, “willow” and “peach blossom”, is also used to describe women, the so-called broken willow, face like a peach blossom. And the poem is extremely frivolous state, so it is often used by later generations to allude to the frivolous and unrestrained style of women.