No, they’re capable of kicking you out (like they did with a lot of the foreigners in Beijing during the 2008 Olympics) but it isn’t a widespread practice and you need to break the law to get deported from China – which is the case for most countries.
China has been pretty lenient with foreigners coming to their country these past twenty years – where else on the planet could Serpentza – whose only qualifications are looking good in a suit (he might have a degree – correct me if I am wrong…) was also able to make a decent living teaching English (training doctors…) found love (twice…) and internet fame – there are very few countries where he could have done that – do you think he could get a job in America ‘training doctors’ like he did in China? Not on your nelly! The chances are he would have had big trouble getting a tourist visa on the back of a South African passport.
What’s happening in China is that they are (at long last…) making the requirements tougher to live and work in China and about time too in my opinion! The bar has been set too low for too long and the amount of lunatics that have been attracted to life in China due to it – the mad, bad and unqualified have all turned up, and though they are a minority – it only takes one bad egg to tarnish every foreigners reputation in any one medium sized Chinese city.
Serpentza and Laowhy86 are bound for Uncle Sam land – I am really disappointed that they are putting the boot in to what has been their home for the past 12 years with irritating click bait and false narratives – I don’t think they’re going to find the continued successes that they did with their videos about China. As for me – I am not leaving China – I have more in the way of qualifications than the pair of them put together so it will be doubtful that they’re going to kick me out either. So the premise of the video is false from my personal standpoint.