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  “白头搔更短,浑欲不胜簪。”烽火连月,家书不至,国愁家忧齐上心头,内忧外患纠缠难解。眼前一片惨戚景象,内心焦虑至极,极无聊赖时刻,搔首徘徊,意志踌躇,青丝变成白发。自离家以来一直在战乱中奔波流浪,而又身陷于长安数月,头发更为稀疏,用手搔发,顿觉稀少短浅,简直连发簪也插不住了。诗人由国破家亡、战乱分离写到自己的衰老。 “白发”是愁出来的,“搔”欲解愁而愁更愁。头发白了、疏了,从头发的变化,使读者感到诗人内心的痛苦和愁怨,读者更加体会到诗人伤时忧国、思念家人的真切形象,这是一个感人至深、完整丰满的艺术形象。



The first four lines of this poem describe the miserable and dilapidated scene of Chang’an in spring, full of ups and downs; The last four sentences describe the poet’s feelings of caring for his relatives and state affairs, which are full of sadness. The rhythm of the poem is strict. The supporting couplet respectively responds to the lamentation of breaking the country with “flowers splashing tears at the time of feeling”, and the neck couplet responds to the worries about home with “fear of parting birds”, while the tail couplet emphasizes that the deep sorrow leads to white and sparse, exquisite confrontation, and solemn and stirring voice and feelings.
“The country is broken by mountains and rivers, and the city is deep in vegetation in spring.” At the beginning of the poem, I described what I saw in Chunwang: the mountains and rivers are still there, but the capital of the country has been occupied, the city is also in ruins in the war, with weeds and trees. In the poet’s memory, how prosperous the spring of Chang’an was in the past, with birds singing and flowers fragrance, flying catkins pervading, bright willows and beautiful smoke, and visitors wandering, but that scene has disappeared today. A word “broken” makes people frightened, and then a word “deep” makes people sad. The poet writes about today’s scenery, which really expresses the historical sense of people’s leaving things behind. He places his feelings in things, and uses the scenery to express his feelings, creating a desolate and miserable atmosphere for the whole poem.
The two diametrically opposite images of “national destruction” and “urban spring” exist at the same time and form a strong contrast. “City Spring” refers to the spring season when flowers, plants and trees are flourishing and luxuriant, and the scenery is bright. However, due to the “national destruction”, the country is in decline, and the national capital is occupied, the glory of spring has been lost, leaving only ruins, but “deep vegetation”. The word “deep vegetation” means profound, which means that Chang’an City is no longer a clean and orderly city, but a desolate and dilapidated city with few people and mixed vegetation. Here, the poet is sad to see things and shows a strong sadness of being away from home.
“The flowers shed tears when I felt it, and the birds who hate others were frightened.” The flowers are merciless and tearful, the birds are frightened without hatred, and the flowers and birds are resentful because of people. The spring flowers were originally charming and bright, with charming fragrance; Spring birds should cheer and sing euphemistic songs to give people pleasure. “Feeling the time” and “hating farewell” were all concentrated with Du Fu’s grief and sorrow. The meaning of these two sentences can be understood in this way: I feel the situation of defeat, and I cry when I see flowers blooming; I felt sad and resentful in my heart. Hearing the birds singing, I was frightened. The pain in one’s heart will lead to more pain when encountering happy scenes, just like “I went there in the past, willows were leaning on; today I come to think, rain and snow are falling”. Du Fu inherited this artistic technique of expressing sadness with music scenes, endowed him with more profound feelings, and achieved more rich artistic effects. The poet felt the bitter hatred of the country’s destruction. The more beautiful the scene is, the more painful it will be. Through the description of scenery, this couplet borrows feelings from the scenery and empathizes with things. It shows the poet’s deep feelings of sadness over national affairs and missing his family.
“The beacon fire lasts for three months, and family letters are worth ten thousand gold.” The poet thought: the war has been going on continuously for a spring, but it is still not over. Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty was forced to flee to Sichuan. Emperor Suzong of the Tang Dynasty has just succeeded to the throne, but the government and army have not yet got a favorable situation. So far, they have not been able to recover Xijing. It seems that the war will last for a long time. I also remembered that I had been exiled and captured and detained in the enemy camp. I had no news of my wife and children for a long time. Their life and death were uncertain, and I didn’t know what was going on. I wish I could get a letter from home. “Letters from home are worth ten thousand gold”, which contains many bitterness and expectations, reflecting the poet’s urgent mood when news is cut off and no news is heard for a long time. War is the real reason why a letter from home is better than “ten thousand gold”, which is also the common psychology of all the people who are persecuted by the war. It reflects the good wishes of the vast majority of people against war and looking forward to peace and happiness, which naturally resonates with people.
“The white head is shorter than the white head, and the desire for hairpin is too strong.” The flames of war continued for months, and the letters from home did not arrive. The worries of the country and the family were all on the mind, and it was difficult to solve the internal and external problems. In front of me, there was a sad scene. I was extremely anxious and bored. I scratched my head and hesitated, and my hair turned white. I have been wandering in the war since I left home, and I have been trapped in Chang’an for several months. My hair is even thinner. Scratching my hair with my hands, I suddenly feel rare and short, and I can hardly insert my hairpin. The poet wrote about his own senility from the destruction of his country and the separation from the chaos of war. “White hair” is the result of worry, and “scratching” is more worried than relieving worry. The hair is white and loose. From the change of hair, the readers feel the pain and sorrow in the poet’s heart, and the readers even more realize the poet’s true image of grieving for the country and missing his family when he is sad. This is a touching, complete and full artistic image.
This poem is full of feelings and scenes, deep feelings, implicit and concise, concise and comprehensive, which fully reflects the artistic style of “depression and frustration”. Moreover, the poem is compact in structure, with the word “Wang” as its focus. The first four sentences express feelings by means of scenery and combine scenes. The poet’s perspective from afar to focus, from far to near, from weak to strong, implicitly conveys the poet’s sighs and indignation in the cross transformation of feelings and scenery. From the beginning, he describes the bleak scenery of the capital of the country, to seeing the spring flowers and crying, hearing the birds singing and resenting; The war lasted for a long time, so that there was no news at home. Finally, I wrote about my own sorrow and aging, which were linked and progressive, creating a realm that can arouse people’s resonance and reflection. It shows the typical feelings generated under the typical background of the times, reflects the good wishes of people of the same era to love the country and look forward to peace, and expresses the unanimous inner voice of everyone. It also shows the poet’s noble feelings of concern for the country and the people.

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