《别云间》是明代少年民族英雄、诗人夏完淳创作的一首五言律诗。此诗起笔叙艰苦卓绝的飘零生涯,承笔发故土沦丧、山河破碎之悲愤慨叹,转笔抒眷念故土、怀恋亲人之深情,结笔盟誓志恢复之决心。既表达了此去誓死不屈的决心,又对行将永别的故乡流露出无限的依恋和深切的感叹。 全诗思路流畅清晰,感情跌宕豪壮。格调慷慨豪壮,读来令人荡气回肠。
Farewell to Yunjian1
Xia Wanchun
Three years I’ve been a warrior on the move,
Only to wear a captive’s cap today!
With endless tears for my native land and sea,
Who says there’s wide space ‘twixt Heav’n and Earth? Nay!
Already I know to me Hades is near,
And yet ’tis hard to part with homeland dear!
The day my staunch soul here again comes by,
I wish our combat flags’ll be flying high!
1. Yunjian was the name of Songjiang County, Jiangsu Province, near Shanghai. Xia was a native there.
(王知还 译)
Adieu, My Homeland
Xia Wanchun1
I struggled three long years,
Captive again today.
My land’s worth bitter tears.
Could I come homeward way?
I know my death is near;
It’s hard to leave my land.
See when my soul comes here,
I’ll wave my flag in hand.
1. The poet carried out anti-Manchurian activities at the age of fifteen and was put to death at seventeen.
(许渊冲 译)
Farewell to Yunjian
Xia Wanchun
Three years in a strange land
And I end, here, in prison.
Hot tears flow endlessly
For our own land, endlessly dear.
Oh, all I have left of this beloved, lovely land
Is this single tiny cell.
Death is peering in, I see him,
But how hard to leave this land where I was born.
If my soul returns, someday,
I would be glad to see, waving high in the air,
The rebel flag I fought for.
(丁祖馨 译)