《菜根谭》是明朝还初道人洪应明收集编著的一部论述修养、人生、处世、出世的语录集,为旷古稀世的奇珍宝训。对于人的正心修身、养性育德,有不可思议的潜移默化的力量。 其文字简炼明隽,兼采雅俗。似语录,而有语录所没有的趣味;似随笔,而有随笔所不易及的整饬;似训诫,而有训诫所缺乏的亲切醒豁;且有雨余山色,夜静钟声,点染其间,其所言清霏有味,风月无边。
Repeatedly tempering oneself through the interchange of weal and woe enables one to attain long-term happiness. Repeatedly testing and checking in a process of doubt to belief and from belief to doubt enables one to attain true knowledge.
(保罗·怀特 译)
A person should temper himself by repeatedly experiencing both hardship and enjoyment; only in this way and when it has been done to the utmost can the fortune he attains remain long. A person should testify his researches by being open to belief and doubt over and over again; only in this way and after every bit of effort has been made can the knowledge he acquires become true.
(周文标 译)