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星期四, 13 2 月, 2025
Homechinese poemsGraceful at Work by Zhou Kaili~ 周凯莉《优雅地辛劳》with English Translations

Graceful at Work by Zhou Kaili~ 周凯莉《优雅地辛劳》with English Translations

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Graceful at Work

When you see a woman bus-driver you wouldn’t think she has anything to do with gracefulness. It seems this occupation is entirely at odds with womanhood, for the street noise and hubbub would drown out all the charm, shyness and pride that characterize a young woman.
But a woman driver named Bi Gui-xia from Nanking is quite peculiar. When she is at the wheel she wears a mandarin gown (a graceful Chinese dress for women). She admitted with pride that she has at least 6 such gowns of different colors and styles to serve as her “working uniform”.
Now 39, she used to be a laid-off worker. She began to learn bus-driving when she was already as old as 34. This slender woman has to struggle for survival under a scorching sun and on rough roads. Passengers tend to fly into a rage but she seldom loses temper. She often keeps a smile to make herself “more cheerful”.
She could do nothing about this sort of life, so she tries to remain graceful. As life goes on, one has to go with it. No matter where you are and what occupation you are engaged in, you have to go forward, never give up. This woman driver is a typical example: she is in the most womanly dress while doing a job that’s most suitable for a man.

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