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Simplified Chinese
红楼梦连环画之十一 《尤三姐》连环画内容提要:
贾琏偷娶了尤二姐,不久,又想用财势诱惑三姐,替贾珍撮合。三姐却生性刚烈,为了摆脱贾氏兄弟的纠缠,故意闹了一场,使贾珍、贾琏望而生畏,不敢胡闹。 后来,三姐聘与柳湘莲为妻子,以“鸳鸯剑”作为定礼,但湘莲听信留言,怀疑三姐行为不端。三姐为表明心迹,愤而自刎。

Tradionnal Chinese
賈璉偷娶了尤二姐,不久,又想用財勢誘惑三姐,替賈珍撮合。 三姐卻生性剛烈,為了擺脫賈氏兄弟的糾纏,故意鬧了一場,使賈珍、賈璉望而生畏,不敢胡鬧。 後來,三姐聘與柳湘蓮為妻子,以“鴛鴦劍”作為定禮,但湘蓮聽信留言,懷疑三姐行為不端。 三姐為表明心迹,憤而自刎。

Simple Translation
The comic book of the Dream of Red Mansions, Part 11, The Third Sister You
Jia Lian secretly married Second Sister You. Before long, she wanted to lure Third Sister with her money to help Jia Zhen. However, the third sister is tough. In order to get rid of the entanglement of the Jia brothers, she deliberately made a scene, which made Jia Zhen and Jia Lian scared and dare not make nonsense. Later, the third sister hired Liu Xianglian as her wife and made the “mandarin duck sword” as the wedding gift, but Xianglian heard the message and suspected that the third sister was misbehaving. The third sister committed suicide to show her heart.


Simplified Chinese

Tradionnal Chinese

Simple Translation
Lai Shangrong, the son of Lai Da, the head of Rongguo Mansion, relied on the influence of the Jia Mansion to donate to the Supervisor of the County and put on a wine show in the newly built garden, which was very lively.

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