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Simplified Chinese
红楼梦连环画之四 《元春省亲》连环画内容提要:

贾政为自己加官进爵,把女儿送入宫中,伺候皇帝。宁荣两府为贾妃省亲,建造了一座精致、 豪华的庭院一大观园。 贾妃命宝钗等姐妹搬进园内居住,宝玉也随进去读书。元春在宫里过着牢笼般的生活,终年不见亲人,虽得回家省亲,但是一家人都以君臣之礼相见,得不到天伦之乐。不久,元春便病死宫中。

Tradionnal Chinese
賈政為自己加官進爵,把女兒送入宮中,伺候皇帝。 寧榮兩府為賈妃省親,建造了一座精緻、豪華的庭院一大觀園。 賈妃命寶釵等姐妹搬進園內居住,寶玉也隨進去讀書。 元春在宮裏過著牢籠般的生活,終年不見親人,雖得回家省親,但是一家人都以君臣之禮相見,得不到天倫之樂。 不久,元春便病死宮中。

Simple Translation
The fourth comic book of the Dream of Red Mansions: “Parents in the Spring of the Yuan Dynasty
Jia Zheng promoted himself and sent his daughter to the palace to serve the emperor. Ningrong Mansion and Rongrong Mansion have built an exquisite and luxurious courtyard, Grand View Garden, for the relatives of Princess Jia. Concubine Jia ordered Baochai and other sisters to move into the park, and Baoyu also went to study with them. Yuan Chun lived a cage-like life in the palace. He did not see his relatives all the year round. Although he had to go home to save his family, the family met each other with the courtesy of the emperor and the minister, and could not enjoy the family. Soon, Yuan Chun died in the palace.


Simplified Chinese

Tradionnal Chinese
賈政原是個御賜額外主事職銜,後來昇為員外郎。 這一日,正是他的生辰,甯國府的人也齊來慶賀,榮國府中演戲吃酒,熱鬧非凡。

Simple Translation
Jia Zhengyuan was awarded the title of minister of foreign affairs by the government, and later promoted to the rank of minister of foreign affairs. On this day, it was his birthday. The people of Ningguo Mansion also came to celebrate. The Rongguo Mansion was full of entertainment and wine.

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