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Simplified Chinese

后来,他走了荣国府贾政的门路,不但复官,还升 任金陵应天府的知府。他上任后受理的第一件案子是:冯、薛两人为争买一女,殴死人命。这凶犯薛蟠是金陵一霸,又是贾政的外甥,贾 雨村为保住『乌纱帽』,徇情枉法,胡乱判处此案,任凶犯逍遥法外。故事揭露了封建社会『官官相护』的黑暗。

Tradionnal Chinese
後來,他走了榮國府賈政的門路,不但複官,還升任金陵應天府的知府。 他上任後受理的第一件案子是:馮、薛兩人為爭買一女,毆死人命。 這兇犯薛蟠是金陵一霸,又是賈政的外甥,賈雨村為保住『烏紗帽』,徇情枉法,胡亂判處此案,任兇犯逍遙法外。 故事揭露了封建社會『官官相護』的黑暗。

Simple translation
Jia Yucun was a poor scholar who settled down at the Hulu Temple outside the Changmen Gate in Suzhou. After becoming an official, he was dismissed for taking bribes and perverting the law.
Later, he followed the path of Jia Zheng in Rongguo Mansion. He not only resumed his official duties, but also was promoted to the governor of Yingtian Mansion in Jinling. The first case he accepted after taking office was that Feng and Xue beat people to death in order to buy a woman. The murderer Xue Pan is a bully in Jinling and a nephew of Jia Zheng. In order to keep the “black hat”, Jia Yucun perverted the law for favouritism and arbitrarily sentenced the case, leaving the murderer at large. The story reveals the darkness of the feudal society in which officials protect each other.


Simplified Chinese

Tradionnal Chinese
蘇州閶門外十裡街仁清巷,有個古廟。 因為廟基狹窄,像個葫蘆,當地人都稱它『葫蘆廟』。

Simple translation
There is an ancient temple in Renqing Alley, Shili Street outside the gate of Suzhou. Because the temple base is narrow, like a gourd, the local people call it “gourd temple”.

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